
Viadrina Center for Gesture and Multimodality Studies

The location of past in space during narrations

As final talk of the International Lecture Series in this semester, Prof. Terry Janzen, PhD (University of Manitoba, Canada) gave an eye-opening talk about how American signed language speakers situate the past in space while narrating a story, under the title „When the past is in front of you: Revisiting past spaces in American Sign Language“.

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Students' Conference

Poster Students' conference

The Department of Language and Media Studies ends the semester with a highlight: a students’ conference of three seminars that takes place from 6th to 7th February at AM03. The presented topics cover questions on media and gesture studies as well as language and embodiment.

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Viadrina Center for Gesture and Multimodality Studies

Lecture on the medial shaping of war reporting


Prof. Dr. Martin Luginbühl, holding the Chair of German Linguistics at the University of Basel, delivered an insightful lecture on the medial shaping of war reporting, focusing on a comparative analysis of European TV news coverage of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Prof. Luginbühl’s research spans various fields, including medialinguistics, textlinguistics, cultural analytical linguistics, and conversation analysis.

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Viadrina Center for Gesture and Multimodality Studies

Final ILS week with two stars in their fields

ILS Plakat Luguinbühl & Janzen

We are delighted to announce our final week of the International Lecture Series of the VCGMS with two exciting guest lectures: First, media linguist Prof. Dr. Martin Luginbühl (University of Basel, Switzerland) gives a lecture on „Medial shaping of war reporting: A comparison of European TV news shows covering Russia's invasion of Ukraine“ (Tue, 04 February, 6.15 p.m.). Three days later, signed language linguist Prof. Terry Janzen, PhD (University of Manitoba, Canada) speaks about „When the past is in front of you: Revisiting past spaces in American Sign Language“ (Fri, 07 February, 4.15 p.m).

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Viadrina Center for Gesture and Multimodality Studies

The role of gestures in language and discourse

ILS Sandra Debreslioska during her talk

As part of the International Lecture Series, Sandra Debreslioska, PhD (Lund University, Sweden) delivered an inspiring talk titled "Language, gestures and discourse: Insights from studies on German and German Sign Language“, exploring the role that discourse-pragmatic principles play for the incidence of gestures.

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Viadrina Center for Gesture and Multimodality Studies

Exploring corruption through metaphor: Insights from Ghana


In the final week before Christmas, Emma Kusuoba Pedavoah from the University of Ghana, (Legon) delivered a fascinating lecture as part of our ongoing International Lecture Series. Drawing on her recent PhD research, she offered a unique perspective on metaphorical conceptualizations of corruption in Ghana's political discourse.

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Viadrina Center for Gesture and Multimodality Studies

ILS round 3 with a talk on gesture studies

Schuyler Laparle lecture slight 1

Schuyler Laparle, PhD, from Tilburg University (Netherlands) brings together gesture studies with lexical semantics and opens an important parallel between lexical and gestural discourse markers using TV interview data.

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Viadrina Center for Gesture and Multimodality Studies

First ILS talk on audiovisual multimodality

Thomas Scherer during his lecture

Dr. Thomas J. J. Scherer, academic assistant at the Viadrina and within the EU-Horizon project „MORES - Moral Emotions in Politics“ gave an eye-opening talk on how audiovisual campaign videos aim at persuading their audience by appealing to ‚The Common Good‘. He exemplified his argumentation on the occasion of referendums on same-sex partnerships and how they strategically constellate ideals of civic and domestic community.

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Multimodal Stancetaking Project

Viadrina stance-taking-team meets Leuven stance-taking-team

Lunch with the KU Leuven team

After the fruitful meeting in summer at the Viadrina, the team from the „Multimodal Stance-Taking in Interaction“ project at KU Leuven (Belgium) returned the invitation. Prof. Cornelia Müller gave a thoughtful talk about the results of their own stance-taking project and a guest lecture on greeting gestures and protest. Both were followed by insightful discussions.

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Viadrina Center for Gesture and Multimodality Studies

ILS winter program kicks off with a talk about gestures in traditional Iranian storytelling

Laleh Khosravi, body movements key moment

Dr. Zeinab Laleh Khosravi from the Damghan University (Iran) gave a fascinating talk about co-speech gestures in Naqqāli, a traditional storytelling style. She compared the way of how two Naqqāli masters employ gestures during the telling of the 10th century story of Rostam and his son Sohrab.

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Viadrina Center for Gesture and Multimodality Studies

Fruitful meeting with Stance-taking team from Leuven


The last lecture of the VCGSM's international lecture series this summer semester was given by the PhD team of the "Multimodal Stance-Taking in Interaction" project at KU Leuven (Belgium). Besides their great talk on mocking enactments, a constructive discussion on the challenges of research in the field of multimodal stance-taking followed with the Viadrina stance-taking team. Next semester there will be a new lecture series with exciting talks.

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"Taylor Swift und die alten weißen Männer"

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How do old white men talk about one of the greatest phenomenon of today’s pop culture, the singer-songwriter Taylor Swift? Prof. Dr. Jörn Glasenapp (University of Bamberg) spoke about and discussed this in his guest lecture. Being himself a committed Swifty, he shared his research on Taylor as a pop culture phenomenon in front of a really crowded audience.

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Viadrina Center for Gesture and Multimodality Studies

Italians really gesture more


As part of the International Lecture Series hosted by the Viadrina Center for Gesture and Multimodality Studies, Dr. Maria Graziano (University of Lund) gave an insightful talk on „Different rhetorical styles through different gesture production: evidence from Italian and Swedish narratives“.

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Viadrina Center for Gesture and Multimodality Studies

ILS talk Philipp Dankel


Within the scope of the International Lecture Series, Dr. Philipp Dankel gave a talk on the topic of Gesture and Speech in Lists and Animated Discourse".

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Multimodal Stancetaking Project

Multimodal Stance Meeting in Poznań

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After the pandemic break the team of the Chair of Language Use and Multimodal Communication finally reunited with the AMU team of the Department of Multimodal Communication at the Institute of Applied Linguistics in Poznan for collaborating on their joint publication based on the binational project "Multimodal Stancetaking: Expressive Movement and Affective Stance. Political Debates in the German Bundestag and Polish Sejm".

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New Handbook on Gesture Studies

The Cambridge Handbook of Gesture Studies

A Toolbox of Methods for Gesture Analysis

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Viadrina Center for Gesture and Multimodality Studies

International Lecture Series starts its summer program


Henrique Perissinotto (RWTH Aachen) started the summer program of the International Lecture Series hosted by the VCGMS with a talk on "Embodied Metacognition in dance and musical improvisation".

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New chapter just came out

Perspectives on Pantomime

Gestural mimesis as ‚as-if‘ action.

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Podcast Talking Bodies

Talking Bodies - New Episode

Kaufhaus-Kaleidoskop: Von Paaren, Kassenbändern und Baumarktgesprächen

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Viadrina Center for Gesture and Multimodality Studies

VGC International Lecture Series starts with Ryan Lepic and Corrine Occhino

This spring the Viadrina Gesture Center started a new international lecture series. During this year's first hybrid event, Ryan Lepic and Corrine Occhino presented insights into their research on American Sign Language.

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New chapter just came out

The Oxford Handbook of Metaphor in Organization studies

Dead and Alive, Sleeping and Waking Metaphors: The Spectrum of Metaphor and the Multimodality of Discourse

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Metaphor research

Visit by the artists' collective Polar Publik at the chair

Besuch Polar Publik

31.01-01.02.2024: The artists' collective Polar Publik visited the chair in order to learn and discuss about how to communicate in metaphors and gestures about the topic of ruptures (Bruch).

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LOT Winter School 2024 in Tilburg, Netherlands

LOT Winter School 2024 in Tilburg, Netherlands

Cornelia Müller was invited to teach at the LOT Winter School 2024 in Tilburg.

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Viadrina Languaging Winterschool

The Linguistics Department at European University Viadrina organised a research school for PhD students. In the tradition of culturally-oriented language research at European University Viadrina, the winter school teached methods that allow to study language as an interactive, socially embedded and

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Viadrina Center for Gesture and Multimodality Studies

Looking back: Guest lectures in the International Research Seminar

As a positive effect of the online courses from the time of the coronavirus pandemic, we began to open up the research seminars internationally in 2023. As this has met with great interest in the internactional community, we have opened up the seminar further for 2024.

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Participation: GAL Research School.

Doctoral student Clara Kindler-Mathôt participated in the research school on the topic of interaction research in the context of methodological and technical innovations at the Institute for German Language in Mannheim.

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Participation: 8. Innsbrucker Winterschool

Doctoral student Jeanette-Christine Bauer participated with a presentation in the 8th Innsbruck Winter School "Potenziale der Angewandten Linguistik" Alles Theater!? Performativität und Inszenierung in kommunikativen Gattungen.

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Online Symposium in Honour of Adam Kendon

With this symposium, researchers worldwide are honouring the great scholar of gesture, speech and sign language research Adam Kendon, who died in 2022.

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Successful acquisition of publication funds for the anthology "Un/reale Interaktionsräume"

Full funding of the anthology "Un/reale Interaktionsräume. Formen sozialer Ordnung im Spektrum medienspezifischer Interaktion" in the Open Library Community Media Studies series of transcript Verlag (Open Access).

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16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC) in Düsseldorf

2023 ICLC Clara Kindler

The German-Polish research project Multimodal Stancetaking: Expressive Movement and Affective Stance was invited to present results on linguistic-gestural forms of affective positioning in the context of cognitive linguistic research.

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18th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA) in Brussels, Belgium

Stancetaking Projektteam

In order to present for discussion initial findings from the German-Polish research project in the context of linguistic research on multimodal positioning in political discourse Cornelia Müller organised a section at the largest international conference on language use research (IPrA).

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First doctoral students' workshop of the Viadrina Linguistics Department

The first meeting of all doctoral students and lecturers in the Department of Linguistics was a great success and will be continued next year.

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Multimodal Communication Symposium in Barcelona, Spain

Affective Stancetaking in Political Speeches. Some Insights in Processes of Multimodal Meaning-making in Media Specific Contexts.

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Guest lecture at the Spanish Department of the Universitat de Valencia

By invitation of Prof. Salvador Pons Bordería, Catedrático de Lengua Española, Clara Kindler and Jana Junge presented.

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Prof. Dr. Cornelia Müller

Secretary Office
Iris Franke
Auditorium maximum (AM)
Logenstraße 4
Room 133
+49 (0) 335 5534 2741

Mailing Adress
Europa-Universität Viadrina
Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften
Große Scharrnstr. 59
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)