Viadrina stance-taking-team meets Leuven stance-taking-team
After the fruitful meeting in summer at the Viadrina, the team from the „Multimodal Stance-Taking in Interaction“ project at KU Leuven (Belgium) returned the invitation. Prof. Cornelia Müller gave a thoughtful talk about the results of their own stance-taking project and a guest lecture on greeting gestures and protest. Both were followed by insightful discussions.
The team from the Chair had two inspiring days at the KU Leuven. Cornelia Müller’s talk in the MIDI (multimodality, interaction & discourse) lab session on Multimodality and aesthetic experience. How feeling guides the ways we make sense was based on a recently published paper by the team of the binational project on multimodal stance taking. Both the paper and the talk introduced a media-aesthetic framework designed to explore affectivity as a stance. The talk was followed by a very fruitful discussion which continued the day after during a joint lunch.
Introduced as „the rock star of gesture studies“, Cornelia Müller gave a guest lecture in a class on sociolinguistics on greeting gestures and gestures in protest.
There was plenty of time for the team to discuss and brainstorm ideas for the future.
The Viadrina team thanks the KU Leuven MIDI-team for the warm welcome and the insightful exchange.
Impressions of the visit in Leuven
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