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Dean's Office

Welcome to the website of the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences!

The Dean's Office is responsible in particular for supporting the organisational and administrative processes in research and teaching at the faculty. On these pages you will find information about the staff at the Dean's Office and their areas of responsibility.

Portal of the Main Building

Overview of faculty committees and representatives

Faculty Council

Here you will find information about the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, e.g. the members and the meeting dates.

Examination boards

On this page you will find an overview of the examination boards of all degree programmes of the faculty and the respective contact persons.

PhD committee

Here you will find the members of the PhD committee as well as documents and information on doctoral studies.

Academic managers and module coordinators

On this page you will find an overview of the academic managers and module coordinators of all degree programmes of the faculty.

Gender equality officer

This page provides information about the faculty's gender equality officer and her deputies.

BAföG representative

Here you will find the contacts of the BAföG representative and information about the BAföG during your studies at the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences.


Prof Dr Timm Beichelt


Christin Eichstädt

Dean's office

Dr Oliver Kossack

Faculty manager

see here

Sönke Matthiessen

Faculty manager

see here