Multimodal Stance Meeting in Poznań

After the pandemic break the team of the Chair of Language Use and Multimodal Communication finally reunited with the AMU team of the Department of Multimodal Communication at the Institute of Applied Linguistics in Poznan for collaborating on their joint publication based on the binational project "Multimodal Stancetaking: Expressive Movement and Affective Stance. Political Debates in the German Bundestag and Polish Sejm".

Within the scope of their joint project and planned publication on affectivity as stance in the journal frontiers, the team of the Chair of Language Use and Multimodal Communication visited the AMU team around Maciej Karpiński in Poznań from the 30th to the 31st of May. They primarily worked on their joint article based on the results from their collaboration in the binational project "Multimodal Stancestaking: Expressive Movement and Affective Stance. Political Debates in the German Bundestag and Polish Sejm". It was a great pleasure for the German team to finally reunite in person with the dear colleagues and friends from the AMU after countless meetings online due to the pandemic!

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