First doctoral students' workshop of the Viadrina Linguistics Department

The first meeting of all doctoral students and lecturers in the Department of Linguistics was a great success and will be continued next year.

Of our team, Clara Kindler-Mathôt and Jeanette-Christine Bauer were already so far advanced with their dissertation projects that they were able to present their initial findings for discussion. Clara Kindler-Mathôt used two examples of audiovisual recordings of Green Party conferences to show how the mobilisation of audience effects differs in different formats of audiovisual design. Jeanette-Christine Bauer presented her doctoral project and used the example of a speech by PiS president Jarosław Kaczyński to illustrate methods of analysing gestures that elicit speech and the prosodic design of the speech.

Presentation: Clara Kindler-Mathôt
Affective stance-taking in mediatised political speeches of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen" (The German 'Green Party')

Presentation: Jeanette-Christin Bauer 
Political Performance and multimodal communication of the parties Prawo i Sprawiedliwość and Alternative für Deutschland

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