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Final phase of studies

Information and advice on final thesis and examination

If you wish to apply for an extension of the writing time (postponement of the submission date) for your final thesis for a valid reason, please submit an informal application to the examination board responsible for your degree programme. Please state the reason for the extension in your application and enclose suitable evidence.

The registration for the final examination (submission of the registration form and obtaining the necessary signatures on the routing slip ("Laufzettel")) takes place on site or, if necessary, by e-mail after consultation with the examination office. Please contact the person responsible for your degree programme in the examinations office for further details.

In order to avoid digital data carriers (CD, DVD, USB stick or similar), please submit the digital version of the final thesis exclusively in PDF format (preferably with a maximum size of 5 MB) via upload in the Moodle course "Submission of the final thesis - Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences". After uploading, please send a short email to the responsible person in the examination office so that they can retrieve the thesis.

Please also submit the required printed copies of your final thesis (without an additional digital version) by the deadline to the examinations office, or send them by post with sufficient time in advance to:

European University Viadrina
Department of Student Affairs
Examinations Office
Große Scharrnstraße 59
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)

The examination office will forward the thesis (digital version from Moodle and printed version) to the reviewers


The length and number of topics of the final colloquium is regulated by the study and examination regulations of your degree programme. Please contact your examiners in good time to arrange the examination date and note the processing times for the preparation of the reports when making the appointment.

In accordance with ASPO, the final colloquium can also be conducted as an online examination under electronic supervision (video conference). Please note the corresponding regulations of the ASPO for conducting online examinations.

In all degree programmes of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, we enable our students to spend time abroad. They can teither study abroad at one of our numerous partner universities or do an internship abroad. The Viadrina International Office (Studies) and the Career Center (internship) will gladly assist you with your planning.

The Bachelor's degree programmes in Kulturwissenschaften ("Social and Cultural Studies") and Cultural and Social Studies, both include a compulsory stay abroad of at least three month in accordance with § 7 of the SPO of 2017 (BA Kuwi) or the SPO of 2021 (BA Cuso). The credits from studying abroad or the recognition of the compulsory internship must be entered into viaCampus before graduation.

A compulsory internship is included in all Bachelor's degree programmes. With a minimum duration of three months, an internship abroad can also be recognised as a mandatory stay abroad.

To clarify details, please contact the examination board or the student advisoty service of your degree programme.

In the following videos, you will find further tips on writing your final thesis and preparing for the oral examination (final colloquium). The videos are primarily aimed at Bachelor's students, but many of the tips are certainly also helpful for Master's students. Please also refer to the guide to graduation (PDF).

Support videos

First steps

Finding a topic

Finding supervisors

Final colloquium

General advice

Issuing of certificates

After successfully completing your studies, you will receive your graduation certificate in the following way:

  1. Your certificate with the transcript will be issued by the examination office ( as soon as all the work required for the completion of your degree programme has been submitted to the Examinations Office.
  2. After approx. 4 weeks processing time, the certificates with the transcripts will be forwarded to the faculty for signature, which can take an additional 2 weeks.
  3. Certificates are sent directly from the dean's office for Cultural Studies. Please inform the dean's office of your current address.

If you require preliminary proof of successful completion of your studies, you can obtain this from the examination office.

Graduation Day

Every year, the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences organises a Graduation Day. With this ceremony, we want to bid our graduates a festive farewell and offer them an appropriate setting to celebrate their graduation with their professors, family and friends. The Graduation Day includes a graduate award ceremony.

For more information on the Graduation Day, please visit this page.

Viadrin@lumni network for graduates

We would be delighted if you would stay in touch with the Viadrina after your graduation. We therefore cordially invite you to join the Viadrin@lumni network to get in touch with other graduates.