Looking back: Guest lectures in the International Research Seminar

As a positive effect of the online courses from the time of the coronavirus pandemic, we began to open up the research seminars internationally in 2023. As this has met with great interest in the internactional community, we have opened up the seminar further for 2024.

We will also be able to make the activities of the Viadrina Gesture Centre (VGC) much more visible. The VGC is part of an international network.

Guest lectures:

Sandra Cabanes Pérez, MA (Universitat de València) (Guest doctoral student)
“Interactive Gestures and the taking of turns in conversation”

Klaudia Karkowska, BA (Nikolaus Kopernikus Univ., Torun) 
“Gesture and Bilingualism: Analyzing gestures and speech in pre-school children”

Paloma Batista Cardoso, MA, Universidade Federal de Sergipe (Guest doctoral student) 
“Gestures of negation in Brazilian Portuguese”

Paul Arnold, PhD  (McMaster University, CA) 
“Gestures in religious rituals” 

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