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Counselling services

Overview of counselling services

Student advisory service

The academic advisors for your degree programme are the first choice to contact if you have any questions about the content and organisation of your studies.

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Central Student Advisory Service

The Central Student Advisory Service is independent of the Faculty and the Examinations Office. It advises students and prospective students on all questions relating to studying.

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Study abroad

Regardless of whether a stay abroad is compulsory or optional in your degree programme - the Viadrina International Office will be happy to provide you with information and support in planning your studies abroad.

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Internship (in Germany and abroad) and career planning

The Viadrina Career Center is your point of contact for all questions relating to (compulsory) internships. The staff also provide advice on the transition to the labour market.

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Startup and entrepreneurship

The Viadrina Founders Center helps both small and large ideas to become reality. From finding the right idea to practical preparation and the start-up phase after the foundation, you can receive individual advice, support and funding.

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Financing of studies

BAföG - part-time job - scholarship: On this page you will find information about the various options for financing your studies. This also includes current scholarship announcements at the Viadrina and external scholarship programmes that are particularly relevant for Viadrina students.

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Psychological counselling

The Viadrina's psychological counselling service is open to all students and provides individual and free advice on study-related and private challenges. It also offers various workshops for students.

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Health impairments

The Counselling Centre for Students with Health Impairments provides advice and support in reducing barriers to studying. This also includes applying for compensation for disadvantages.

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Studying with a child

Viadrina's Family Affairs Office will be happy to support and advise you on how to better reconcile studying and family life.

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