Welcome to the department of Language and Media Studies!
About us

Heide Fest

Andrea Ruhland
About the department
In the department we research language and media as social and cultural forms in their concrete media and social environments. We ask how cultural transformations change language and media and, conversely, how language and media produce forms of feeling, perception, thinking and community formation. We investigate how linguistic and media practices produce concepts of history and society, and how this connects with processes of community building and feelings of belonging.
Our focus is on the precise analysis of linguistic and media forms of expression and formats and covers a broad range of topics and phenomena including:
Connections between language, culture and society in discourse and interaction, especially in the context of technology, mediality and digitality. Here we deal with questions about the role of language and communication in the digital transformation of society, how language and communication change in the course of digitality and mediatisation.
Relationships between language, society, migration, and technology, in particular how digital cultures (re)shape linguistic norms and community definitions. We explore how multilingualism influences identity and social dynamics, critically analyse media representations and the role of language in social inclusion and exclusion practices.
The entanglement of the multimodality of speech with the multimodality of audiovisual media. We bring together linguistic and media-aesthetic approaches to analyse language, gesture and audiovisual images. We are interested in understanding the dynamics of meaning-making, its grounding in embodied experience, the interaffectivity of multimodal communication and
Popular cultural phenomena, such as movies, television series and video games. We assume that their close analysis can help us to understand the longings and fears, hopes, dreams and needs of communities of viewers and players of video games. In this sense, popular culture research can serve as an instrument for analysing culture and diagnosing the times and contribute to sharpening our view of a present that, marked by global crises and conflicts, inspires apocalyptic doomsday scenarios as well as transhumanist visions of the future and ecocritical utopias.
Department of Language and Media Studies
Secretary Office
Iris Franke
Auditorium maximum (AM)
Logenstraße 4
Mailing Adress
Europa-Universität Viadrina
Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften
Große Scharrnstr. 59
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
Study with us
Sprache, Medien und Gesellschaft (M.A.)
The Master's program examines language and mediality. We analyze language use as a communicative and aesthetic practice – oral and written, monomodal and multimodal, analog and digital – in various social, cultural, and media contexts.
Multimodality - Discourse - Media (M.A.)
Discover MuDiM! Do you want to understand how gestures, language, and digital media come together in the ways we communicate? Or how videos, films and social media work? And what their effects are? Then enrol on the Master's degree programme "Multimodality - Discourse - Media" with its focus on understanding and analysing discourse from the perspective of linguistic and media studies and multimodality research. You will study in Paris and in Frankfurt (Oder), just one hour outside Berlin. The European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) offers an international environment with students from over 100 countries and the Sorbonne Nouvelle is located in the centre of Paris. Students who complete the MuDiM course will receive a Master's degree in France and in Germany. This degree programme is sponsored by the Franco-German University (DFH).
Recent seminars
Modules within study programs
Within the bachelor and master programs of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, the Department of Language and Media Studies offers various modules that you can choose from.
Einführung in die Kulturwissenschaften
- Introduction to Media Studies (Daniel Illger, Cornelia Müller)
- Dargestellt, gesehen, verändert? Repräsentation zwischen Politik und Ästhetik (Lucia Wiedergrün)
Kulturwissenschaften: Vertiefung
- Gamification und die Rolle des Spiels im täglichen Leben der Gegenwart (Octavia Rudek)
- Language, Gender, and Sexuality (Kateryna Pilyarchuk)
- Methoden zur Analyse audiovisueller Bilder (Sarah Greifenstein)
- Storytelling Online (Karolin Breda)
- Understanding Epic Fantasy. "Elden Ring" and "Baldur's Gate 3" (Daniel Illger)
Linguistik: Einführung
- Einführung in die Linguistik (Rita Vallentin)
- Sprachtheorie und Sprachgeschichte (Rita Vallentin)
Linguistik Vertiefung
- Language, Migration and Social Media (Didem Leblebici)
- Politikergesten - politische Gesten - Gesten in der Politik (Clara Kindler-Mathôt)
- Our multilingual mind (Nicole Richter, Galyna Orlova)
- "Recht haben, Schuld geben" - Wie wir in Metaphern denken und sprechen (Katerina Papadopoulou)
- Sprache und Denken (Jana Junge)
- Storytelling Online (Karolin Breda)
- Forschungskolloquium - Language in Society (Britta Schneider)
- Wie ich eine sprachwissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeit schreibe (Nicole Richter, Galyna Orlova)
Cultural and Social Studies: Introduction
- Lecture Series: Introduction to Cultural and Social Studies (Rita Vallentin)
- Terms, Theories and Methods of Cultural and Social Studies (Group 1) (Group 2) (Rita Vallentin)
Cultural and Social Studies: Consolidation
- Introduction to Media Studies (Daniel Illger, Cornelia Müller)
- Language, Migration and Social Media (Didem Leblebici)
Media - Image, Text and Language
- Dargestellt, gesehen, verändert? Repräsentation zwischen Politik und Ästhetik (Lucia Wiedergrün)
- Gamification und die Rolle des Spiels im täglichen Leben der Gegenwart (Octavia Rudek)
- Methoden zur Analyse audiovisueller Bilder (Sarah Greifenstein)
- Politikergesten - politische Gesten - Gesten in der Politik (Clara Kindler-Mathôt)
- Our multilingual mind (Nicole Richter, Galyna Orlova)
- "Recht haben, Schuld geben" - Wie wir in Metaphern denken und sprechen (Katerina Papadopoulou)
- Storytelling Online (Karolin Breda)
- Understanding Epic Fantasy. "Elden Ring" and "Baldur's Gate 3" (Daniel Illger)
Difference - Migration, Gender and Diversity
- Language, Gender, and Sexuality (Kateryna Pilyarchuk)
Methods, Academic Writing and Research Skills
- Forschungskolloquium - Language in Society (Britta Schneider)
- Research Seminar "Gesture and Multimodality Studies" (Cornelia Müller)
- Wie ich eine sprachwissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeit schreibe (Nicole Richter, Galyna Orlova)
Migration, Öffentlichkeit und Medien
- Politikergesten - politische Gesten - Gesten in der Politik (Clara Kindler-Mathôt)
- "Recht haben, Schuld geben" - Wie wir in Metaphern denken und sprechen (Katerina Papadopoulou)
Recht und Politik im transnationalen Kontext (Vertiefung)
- Politikergesten - politische Gesten - Gesten in der Politik (Clara Kindler-Mathôt)
- "Recht haben, Schuld geben" - Wie wir in Metaphern denken und sprechen (Katerina Papadopoulou)
Guidelines for students
B.A. and M.A. theses of our graduates
“It was never about what the German people actually need”—Audiovisual and Verbal-Gestural Storytelling: A Case Study of Right-Wing Extremism on TikTok
(Paul Jonas Kern, Multimodaly - Discourse - Media (M.A.), winter semester 2024/2025, supervising profesor: Prof. Dr. Cornelia Müller)
„Hasi, Schnucki, Mausebär“ – Über die Verwendung von Kosenamen in romantischen Beziehungen
(Nora Gail, Master Study program, summer semester 2024, supervising profesor: Prof. Dr. Britta Schneider)
„Zur Rhetorik von medial vermittelten feierlichen Ansprachen: eine sprachwissenschaftliche Studie zu den Neujahrsansprachen 2022 von Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj und Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz“
(Mariia Shykova, Sprache – Medien – Gesellschaft (M.A.), summer term 2024, supervising profesor: Prof. Dr. Nicole Richter)
Current research topics
- affectivity and perception in film and audiovisual images
- embodied meaning and cinematic metaphor
- rhythm, tempo and kinaesthetics of audiovisual images and of embedded voices, gestures and facial expressions
- Cultural Fantasies of AI
- The Eschaton in Popular Culture
- “Fernweh” and the Fantastic
- Theory and Poetics of Adventure
- The Phenomenology of Scars
- Communicative practices between humans, animals, and machines
- Posthumanist approaches to language
- Human-machine interaction
- Human-animal interaction
- Communication technology for pets
- Multimodality of speaking and audiovisual multimodality
- Gesture and language
- Multimodal stancetaking and affectivity in parliamentary debates
- Language ideology research
- Multilingualism
- Language and globalisation
- Language and AI
- Language and digitalisation
- Post-nationalism
- Discursive Constructions of Human-Machine-Relations
- Language and Belonging
- Human-Machine-Interaction
- Oral communication
- Slavonic languages
- Multilingualism in borderlands
- Spontaneous speech
- Rhetorics
The research carried out by our department is reflected in our current publications. The following document provides an overview of the publications by members of the Department of Language and Media Studies from the current year.
Members of the department
- Greifenstein, Sarah (Prof. Dr.)
- Illger, Daniel (Prof. Dr.)
- Müller, Cornelia (Prof. Dr.)
- Schneider, Britta (Prof. Dr.)
Permanent academic staff
Associated members
Senior Scholars / Emeriti
Administration and Secretaries
Student assistants
- Beese, Anuschka
- Flacke, Antonia
- Metzkow, Frieda
- Löwisch, Carlynn
- Schumann, Zoe
- Shipley, Julie
- Shpanova, Arina
- Yakubch, Severyna
PhD students and Postdocs
- Bauer, Jeanette-Christine
- Baumgärtner-Kastner, Edgar
- Bonin, Sara
- Breda, Karolin
- Bullock de Oliveira, Maggie
- Fester-Seeger, Marie-Theres (PhD)
- Godiva, Stephanie
- Jacobshagen, Marlén
- Junge, Jana Katharina
- Kindler-Mathôt, Clara
- Leblebici, Didem
- Lind, Miriam (Dr.)
- Meer, Somaiya
- Müller, Patrick
- Mykhalonok, Mariia
- Neumann, Elizabeth
- Orlova, Galyna
- Otlewska-Dräger, Dominika
- Papadopoulou, Katerina
- Pappalardo, David
- Pilyarchuk, Kateryna
- Rostom, May
- Rudek, Octavia
- Sawall, Hannah
- Scherer, Thomas J. J. (Dr.)
- Schulz-Budick, Dorothée
- Schön, Sarah
- Weigand, Teresa
- Wiedergrün, Lucia
In Media
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