Kateryna Pilyarchuk, M.A., M.A.

Kataryna Pilyarchuk

Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences

Academic Staff Member

Kateryna Pilyarchuk is a research associate at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) and a doctoral candidate at the University of Klagenfurt and European University Viadrina. Her research focuses on conceptual representations of women in digital fashion discourse. 


Office: AM 123

ORCID | ResearchGate profile

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Research Interests: 

  • critical discourse studies
  • cognitive linguistics
  • critical metaphor theory
  • digital discourse 
  • language and gender
  • fashion and (post)feminism
  • political discourse and rhetoric
  • translation studies

PhD Project: (Dis)empowernment or (dis)objectification: Conceptual Representation of Women in Digital Fashion Discourse (Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Britta Schneider / Prof. Dr. Alexander Onysko / Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Graf)

Read more about research projects at the Chair of Language Use and Migration here.

Pilyarchuk, K. (2024). “In/exclusion in fashion discourse: Are we in or out?” Discourse & Society 35 (5), https://doi.org/10.1177/095792652412410

Pilyarchuk, K. (in review). “Women representing women: How Vogue columnists shape female identities”. 

Pilyarchuk, K. (2024). "Wordplay-based humor: to leave it or to translate it, that’s the question". The European Journal of Humor Research 12 (2): 120-144, https://doi.org/10.7592/EJHR.2024.12.2.915

Rodríguez Martín, G.A. & Pilyarchuk, K. (in preparation). "Stereotypical representations of Slavic characters in popular culture: focusing on animated cartoons" (tentative title). 

Pilyarchuk, K. (in review). "Conceptualizing an enemy as an animal: Metaphors, memes, and the Russo-Ukrainian war". 

Pilyarchuk, K. (in preparation). “Using internet memes to delegitimize Russian propaganda and narrate the Ukrainian national identity” (a volume on national identities, edited by M. Demata).

Pilyarchuk, K. 2023. “Humor and allusions on screen: looking into translation strategies of The Simpsons”. The European Journal of Humor Research 11(2): 121-141.

Pilyarchuk, K. 2023. “Joe Biden's conceptual metaphors: Framing his rhetoric and staging his political personae”. Colloquium: New Philologies 7(2): 22–77.

Pilyarchuk, K. & Onysko, A. 2018. “Conceptual metaphors in Donald Trump’s political speeches: Framing his topics and (self-)constructing his persona.” Colloquium: New Philologies 3(2): 98–156.

Biletska, K. 2015. "Humor translation in animated cartoons" (published in Ukrainian). Scientific Herald Y. Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University. Series: German Philology: 36–39.

Biletska, K. 2014. "Translation of an animated cartoon as a special type of a creolized text". Translation / Interpretation: Theory, Methods, Practice: Scholarly Works: 54-59.

Biletska, K. 2013. "The problem of allusion translation in animated cartoons". Scientific Articles of Ostroh Academy National University. Series: Philology 37: 54-56.

currently - PhD Candidate at the European University Viadrina & University of Klagenfurt 

since 2018 - adjunct/external lecturer at the University of Klagenfurt

2018 - MA in Linguistics (GPA '1') from the Department of English and American Studies at the University of Klagenfurt
M.A. Thesis: "Translation of Animated Cartoon Humor: Live It or Leave It"  

2017/2018 - assistant to Prof. Onysko (Department of English / University of Klagenfurt)

2012/2015 - lecturer at Ternopil National Pedagogical University (Department of Translation Studies)

2011/2018 - translator & interpreter at the Profi-Center school (Ternopil, Ukraine)

2012 - MA in Foreign Language Philology & Translation Studies (summa cum laude) from the Department of Theory and Practice of Translation at Ternopil National Pedagogical University

M.A. Thesis: "Peculiarities of Rendering Allusion and Sociocultural Realia in English-Ukrainian Translation" 

2011 - BA in Foreign Language Philology & Translation Studies (summa cum laude) from the Department of Theory and Practice of Translation at Ternopil National Pedagogical University

2011 - ERASMUS one-semester exchange student at the Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten, Austria 



(May 2024) - an honorable mention within MAXQDA Grants 2024 (Women Empowerment month), a one-year MAXQDA license and access to the MAXQDA community 

(May 2024) - DAAD conference funding (for EPICS in Sevilla, Spain)

(2020/21) - scholarship of 11,200€ by the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education of the University of Klagenfurt (a PhD university excellence grant) 

(2016/18) - academic excellence scholarships by the University of Klagenfurt: 750€ for every MA semester 

(September 2016) - German C1 language crash course scholarship of 700€ awarded by Sprachzentrum Deutsch in Österreich

(June 2014) - a three-day fully funded workshop for ESL instructors, sponsored by the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine

since SS2023 - European University Viadrina:

(planned) Language, Gender and Sexuality (WS23/24)

Digital Discourse Analysis (SS 24)

Fashion Discourse (WS 23/24)


since WS2018 - University of Klagenfurt (Austria):

Culture Studies: Fashion Discourse (WS 23/24)

Applied Linguistics: Fashion Discourse (WS 21)

Theoretical Linguistics: Morphology & Syntax (SS 23 / WS 18/19 | WS 20/21)


WS2012 - SS2015 - Ternopil National Pedagogical University (Ukraine):

Theory and Practice of Translation and Interpreting (WS/SS 2012-15)

English: Grammar, speaking, phonology (WS/SS 2012-15)

Supervision of graduate theses (SS 2013/14/15)


Conference organisation

10/2023 - co-organizer (with Prof. Eva-Maria Graf) of the international ADDA4 conference (Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis) at the University of Klagenfurt (Austria).

9/2018 - assistant for the Met(V)iew 3 Conference: Metaphors in Englishes Around the World (organized by Prof. Alexander Onysko) at the University of Klagenfurt (Austria).

Talks at conferences

16/18 October, 2024 (accepted). "Memes, metaphors, and mockery: Dehumanization through humor" (II International Congress on Verbal Humor in Alicante, Spain)

18/20 September, 2024 (accepted). "On the role of the JOURNEY metaphor in fashion. The case of Vogue" (Cognitive Linguistics in the Year 2024 in Katowice, Poland)

22/24 May, 2024. “FOOD metaphors: What are they doing in Vogue?” (EPICS XI International Symposium on Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics in Seville, Spain).

19/20 April, 2024. “Between ‘I miss seeing real models’ and ‘Wow and actual plus sized model on a Vogue cover: An ideological dilemma in fashion discourse”. (MIT-2024 in Kharkiv, Ukraine

12/14 October, 2023. “If it weren’t for Ukraine, we would have defeated NATO long ago”. Using internet memes to delegitimize Russian propaganda and narrate Ukrainian national identity (ADDA4: Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis in Klagenfurt, Austria)

4/6 July, 2023. "Fashion discourse and containment: Are we in or out of fashion?" (IGALA: 12th Conference of the International Gender and Language Association in Brisbane, Australia)

9/11 March, 2022. "Conceptual metaphors in the discourse of fashion: The female style in Vogue". (Met(V)iEW4 Conference (Metaphors in Englishes Around the World 4th International Symposium) in Koblenz-Landau)

30 September, 2021. 2. "Representation of Women in Contemporary Fashion Discourse". (Inter- und transdisziplinäre Gender-Forschungswerkstatt Universität Klagenfurt in Klagenfurt, Austria).

14/15 September, 2021. "Floating dresses and structured blazers’ or dominant repertoires of femininity in fashion magazines". (ICLALIS: The 3rd International Conference on Language, Linguistics and Society, at the University Malaysia Sabah).

10 September, 2021. “I couldn’t believe that our mother would laugh and eat oranges in the sunshine without her children” – Narrating childhood trauma and coming to terms with her (Maya Angelou’s) own identity" (CWWA: Contemporary Women Writing Race: Textual Interventions and Intersections Symposium (online)).

22/26, 2021. "Gender identity dissonance in the contemporary fashion discourse: Madonna or Whore?" ( IGALA: 11th Conference of the International Gender and Language Association in London, United Kingdom).

16/17 December, 2019. "Fixing the Identity Gap in Fashion: Magazines' Role in Consumption of Clothes". (ICFTR: International Conference on Fashion Theory and Research in Barcelona, Spain)

22/23 November, 2019. "Methodologies for digital discourse analysis" (PhD student workshop at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic).

6/8 November, 2019. "Discourse(s) of online fashion magazines: Death of the editor?" (CLDP II: The Changing Landscape of Professional Discourse II in Ostrava, Czech Republic).

 27/28 June, 2019. "Fashion magazines go online" (Interdisciplinary forum KUWIloquium in St. Georgen am Längsee, Carinthia, Austria).

23/25 May, 2019. "Conceptual representation of women in digitalized fashion discourse" (ADDA2: Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis in Turku, Finland).

14/15 November, 2018. "Live it or leave it: Towards the problem of humor translation" (7th International Conference "Dialogue of Languages and Cultures" in Warsaw, Poland).

8/10 December, 2017. "I alone can fix it: Trump’s metaphorization of problems and solutions (joint presentation with Prof. Alexander Onysko)". (43. Österreichische Linguistiktagung 2017 (Linguist Meeting in Klagenfurt, Austria).

8/10 December, 2017. "To come out, or not: That is the question. Narrating the coming out". (43. Österreichische Linguistiktagung 2017 (Linguist Meeting in Klagenfurt, Austria).

2/3 December, 2017. "Trump’s metaphorical depiction of immigrants". (Cognitive Linguistics in Wroclaw Conference in Poland).

8 November 2016. "Presidential rhetoric of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton". (US Election Night Event at AAU in Klagenfurt, Austria).

18/21 June, 2014. Workshop for ESL Teachers (sponsored by the US Embassy) in Kyiv, Ukraine. Part of a project group. 

25/26 April 2014. "Humor translation in animated cartoons" (8th International Conference on Topical Issues of Terminology, Romance and German Philology and Translation in Chernivtsi, Ukraine).

 4/5 April 2014. "Translation of an animated cartoon as a special type of a creolized text" (7th International Conference. General and Specialist Translation / Interpretation: Theory, Methods, Practice in Kyiv, Ukraine).

 13/14 December 2012. "Translation of allusion as an element of a video-verbal text" ( International Conference on English Language and Translation in Ternopil, Ukraine).

19/20 May 2012. "Translating cultural realia on screen" (Linguistic Conference of Ternopil National Pedagogical University in Ternopil, Ukraine).


Invited talks | interviews | expert commentary:

(April 2024) Guest talk on the use of Internet memes in the Russo-Ukrainian war | at Prof. Dr. Mikheieva's MA course "Ukraine in focus: everyday life in war-affected society (2014-2024)" in Frankfurt/Oder

(October 2019) Invited expert for a PBS Frontline interview (2019) on Donald’s Trump linguistic strategies: “Insects, Floods and “The Snake”: What Trump’s Use of Metaphors Reveals”

(January 2017) Part of a live focus group of the U.S. Inauguration Day public outreach event in Klagenfurt, Austria: Analyzing political discourse from the linguistic angle

(November 2016) Invited speaker on presidential rhetoric at the US Election Night Event in Klagenfurt: Talking about Trump’s discourse and metaphors


Peer reviewer for journals:

Coaching | Theorie und Praxis 

JLAC: Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict 

EJHR: European Journal of Humor Research



Auditorium Maximum (AM)
Logenstraße 4
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
  • AM 123

+49 335 5534 2738 pilyarchuk@europa-uni.de