Welcome to the Viadrina Center for Gesture and Multimodality Studies!
Welcome to the Viadrina Center for Gesture and Multimodality Studies!

Clara Kindler-Mathôt
About the Center
The Viadrina Center for Gesture and Multimodality Studies promotes international research on gesture and language, on the multimodality of speaking and audiovisual multimodality. We offer training in methods of gesture and audiovisual analysis, host visiting international PhD students and organize an international lecture series.
Current activities
We are delighted to announce a special lecture by Prof. Terry Janzen, PhD, from the University of Manitoba (Canada). He is a leading expert in the field of signed language linguistics and is known for his ground-breaking research on discourse and interpretation in signed languages. His lecture is a unique opportunity to gain deep insights from one of the pioneers in the field, combining linguistic expertise with cultural and cognitive perspectives. We are very pleased to welcome him in person!
Following the success of the International Lecture Series last semester, the series continues this winter. You can find the programme and abstracts below.
Activities and visitors
For pictures and impressions please follow the link to our News page and find all posts on the activities of the VCGMS.
Sanda Debreslioska, PhD (Lund University, Sweden): "Language, gestures and discourse: Insights from studies on German and German Sign Language"
Prof. Dr. Martin Luginbühl (University of Basel, Switzerland): "Medial shaping of war reporting: A comparison of European TV news shows covering Russia’s invasion of Ukraine"
Henrique Perissinotto (RWTH Aachen University, Germany): "Embodied Metacognition in dance and musical improvisation"
Paloma Batista Cardosa (Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil): "Pragmatic functions of negation in Brazilian Portuguese: a multimodal description"
Dr. Philipp Dankel (University of Basel, Switzerland): "Gesture and speech in lists and animated discourse"
Dr. Maria Graziano (Lund University, Sweden): "Different rhetorical styles through different gesture production: evidence from Italian and Swedish narratives"
Katharina Meissl, Clarissa de Vries, Fien Andries (University of Leuven, Belgium): "Mocking enactments – a case study of multimodal stance-stacking"
Dr. Zeinab Laleh Khosravi (Damghan University, Iran): "A Comparative Study on Two Major Schools of Naqqāli. How does Naqqāli, as an Iranian Traditional Storytelling Style, develop through co-speech gestures?"
Dr. Thomas Scherer (European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany): "Manufacturing Communality? Audiovisual Appeals to ‘the Common Good’"
Schuyler Laparle (Tilburg University, Netherlands): "Multifunctionality in gestural discourse markers"
Emma Kusuoba Pedavoah (University of Ghana, Legon): "Metaphorising Corruption in Selected SONAs of the Fourth Republic of Ghana: A Discourse Dynamics to Metaphor Analysis and Cultural Model Approach"
Sandra Cabanes Pérez (University of Valencia, Spain): “Interactive Gestures and the taking of turns in conversation”
Klaudia Karkowska (Nikolaus Kopernikus Univ., Poland): “Gesture and Bilingualism: Analyzing gestures and speech in pre-school childre
Paloma Batista Cardosa (Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil): “Gestures of negation in Brazilian Portuguese”
Paul Arnold, PhD (McMaster University, Canada): “Gestures in religious rituals”
Paloma Batista Cardosa (Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil): "Speech, hand gestures, and facial expressions: a multimodal approach to
describe negative statements with „não“ in Brazilian Portuguese“
Sandra Cabanes Perez (University of Valencia, Spain): "Val.Es.Co. Model: incorporating multimodality in conversation segmentation“
Henrique Perissinotto (Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil): "Embodied diagrams in oral poetry improvisation“
Gabriele Giacosa (University of Cologne, Germany): "Moving Sounds: Towards a (Phenomenological) Cognitive Semiotics of Music“
For an overwiew of recent and former visiting international doctoral students go to Dissertations.
- Sanda Debreslioska, PhD (Lund University, Sweden)
- Prof. Dr. Martin Luginbühl (University of Basel, Switzerland)
- Prof. Dr. Terry Janzen (University of Manitoba, Canada)
- Henrique Perissinotto (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
- Dr. Philipp Dankel (University of Basel, Switzerland)
- Dr. Maria Graziano (Lund University, Sweden)
- Katharina Meissl, Clarissa de Vries and Fien Andries (KU Leuven, Belgium)
- Dr. Thomas Scherer (European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany)
- Schuyler Laparle (Tilburg University, Netherlands)
- Paloma Batista Cardoso (Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil)
- Sandra Cabanes Perez (University of Valencia, Spain)
- Emma Kusuoba Pedavoah (University of Ghana, Ghana)
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Müller
- Room: AM 132
- cmueller@europa-uni.de
Clara Kindler-Mathôt
- Room: AM 122
- kindler@europa-uni.de