Sozialphilosophie - Prof Dr Matthias Schloßberger

Chair of Sozialphilosophie

Prof. Dr Matthias Schloßberger

Sozialphilosophie deals with a broad spectrum of questions and problems, all of which are rooted in the question "What is man?".

Humans are embodied social beings who express themselves. The expressive movements of their lived bodies allow them to understand each other.

They understand each other, i.e. they understand the intentions and feelings of Others. Sometimes they judge, act and feel together. They judge how they treat Others, how they judge Others and how they participate in the feelings of Others. They organise their joint lives in order to deal with the ever-changing challenges of living together. Doing so, they develop ideas about successful and less successful forms of coexistence.

All of the issues addressed here are connected: They lead towards a philosophy that is based on the insight that they cannot be dealt with in isolation because everything is interrelated: political theory, ethics, philosophy of history, theory of intersubjectivity, anthropology and critique.


Sibylle Seiring

Office hours

Tuesday and Wednesday: 10:00 - 13:00 or by appointment

Room: HG 208

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Lecture at the Colloquium for Phenomenology and History of Ideas Wednesday, 08 January 2025, 18:00, Room LH 101, in the Logenhaus, Logenstraße 11, 15230 Frankfurt (Oder)

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Lecture at the Colloquium for Phenomenology and History of Ideas Wednesday, 15 January 2025, 18:00 hrs, Room LH 101 in the Logenhaus, Logenstraße 11, 15230 Frankfurt (Oder)

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Research and teaching



Overview of current and past courses as well as an outlook for the coming semesters.

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Lectures and events

Overview of lectures, workshops and conferences at the chair.

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die Bücher, Nahaufnahme


Complete list of publications by Prof Dr Matthias Schloßberger and his edited books.

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Research and PhDs

Current research and PHD projects

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