Teaching at the Professor of Sociology of the Economy

Overview of the courses

Notes on the courses and the supervision of seminar papers and final theses at the Professor of Sociology of Economics. Further information on the respective courses can be found in the course schedule under the specified course numbers and the associated Moodle courses.

If you have any questions about a course or the supervision of a final thesis, please contact the lecturers or the Professor's office directly.

Birgit Reitzig


Current summer semester 2024

Rietschel, Jonas

Social Policy in Europe: Between National Welfare States and European Integration

Moodle course

BA Seminar: KUL-13881

Münnich, Sascha

Theoretical foundations of cultural and social sciences

Moodle course

MA seminar: KUL-13931


Global Inequality, Economy and Labour

Moodle course

MA seminar: KUL-13933


Capitalism and social criticism

Moodle course

MA seminar: KUL-13932

Münnich, Sascha & Hennig, Anja

Exploring Tesla in Brandenburg. Developing research designs - applying qualitative methods (compulsory elective)

Moodle course

BA / MA- Seminar: KUL-13930

Previous courses

Münnich, Sascha

Lecture: Economics for cultural and social scientists - introduction and basics. KUL-13679

Seminar: Economy, market and neoliberalism - social science perspectives (term paper course). KUL-13736

Seminar: Theoretical Foundations of Social and Cultural Sciences (compulsory introductory course). KUL-13716

Seminar: Financial Capitalism and Crisis - Europe and Global. KUL-13630

Seminar: Culture, Postmodern Society and Capitalism - Recent Social Science Literature. KUL-13661

Rietschel, Jonas

Seminar: Equal rights and opportunities for all? – Social inequality and social structure in modern societies (term paper course). KUL-13645

Paul-Diehl, Dominik

Seminar: The value of things. Introduction to the sociology of value and judgement (homework course). KUL-13592

Rietschel, Jonas

Seminar: Europeanisation of welfare states. KUL-13417

Paul-Diehl, Dominik

Seminar: From research question to design. Introduction to empirical social science. (compulsory elective). KUL-13517

Münnich, Sascha

Lecture: Economics for cultural and social scientists. KUL-13282

Seminar: Theoretical foundations of the social sciences. KUL-13311

Lecture series: Cultural Studies Europe Colloquium (IFES)

Münnich, Sascha and Rietschel, Jonas

Seminar: TEACHING RESEARCH PROJECT (second of 2 semesters). Social living conditions in rural areas in Brandenburg (realisation of a qualitative interview study). KUL-13265 + KUL-13266

Paul-Diehl, Dominik

Seminar: The social responsibility of companies?! Economic sustainability and corporate social responsibility from a sociological perspective. KUL-13344

Information on seminar papers and final theses

Please refer to the guidelines for academic writing if you wish to submit an examination paper in one of the courses at the Professor for the Sociology of Economics.

In addition, the Viadrina Writing Centre offers a wide range of support for academic writing, such as seminars, workshops, consultation hours, handouts and tips on literature management.

Before you submit a request to supervise your final thesis, we recommend that you attend a thematically relevant course organised by the Professor and a methods colloquium with a social science focus. These courses not only serve to deepen your specialist knowledge, but also enable you to familiarise yourself with current research trends and methods. By participating, you will gain insights that you will need when designing and realising your final thesis.

Before requesting supervision, please prepare a research exposé with research question, research status, intended methodology and literature references.

We will be happy to assist you with the preparation of the synopsis and answer any further questions you may have.

Office hours of the lecturers

The consultation hours of Prof Dr Sascha Münnich in the winter semester 2024/25 are as follows:

Wednesdays, 2.00 pm - 3.30 pm on the following dates:

  • 18.09.24
  • 25.09.24
  • 09.10.24
  • 06.11.24
  • 13.11.24
  • 04.12.24
  • 11.12.24
  • 08.01.25
  • 22.01.25
  • 29.01.25
  • 05.02.25

The consultation hours take place in presence during the lecture period, during the semester break mostly online.

Registration is by email to the Münnich office, Ms Birgit Reitzig: sekretariat-muennich@europa-uni.de

Thursdays 14.00-15.00 hrs.

Pre-registration by e-mail is requested (rietschel@europa-uni.de).

Until further notice only by individual arrangement by e-mail (paul-diehl@europa-uni.de).