
Courses summer semester 2024

Beichelt, Timm
The Eastern Dimension of the European Union
Monday, 11:15-12:45 GD 201
ECTS credit points: 3/6/9 (Student Presentations, Research Reports, Term Paper)
In cooperation with Niki Kasis, Center for Teaching and Learning (ZLL)
to the Moodle course

Priebus, Sonja
All for one? Die Mitglieder der Visegrád-Gruppe und ihre Europapolitiken
Thursday, 9:15-10:45, GD 07
ECTS credit points: 3/6/9
to the Moodle course

Helm, Christoph
Florenz und die Toskana unter der Herrschaft des Hauses Habsburg-Lothringen (biweekly)
Wednesday, 14:15-15:45
ECTS credit points: 3/6/9
Start: 17.04.24 (online)
to the Moodle course


Information about the courses can be found in ViaCampus and Moodle.

Please remember to also register in ViaCampus so that your performance and grades can be recorded.
If you have any questions about the content, please contact the lecturer.
For organisational questions, please contact office-beichelt@europa-uni.de.


Previous courses

Questions of Social Europe
MES (WPM 1: Regieren in Europa; WPM 6: Wirtschaftspolitik in Europa)
Andor, Làszlò

Regieren im Europäischen System: Einführung in die Politik der EU
BA Recht und Politik; BA Politik und Recht (Modul: II.2. Recht und Politik im europäischen Kontext)
Beichelt, Timm

Glanzpunkt kultureller Symbiose: Europa und das Heilige Land zur Zeit von Kaiser Friedrich II von Hohenstaufen
MES (WPM 5: Kultur, Geschichte & Gesellschaft in Europa)
Helm, Christoph

European Borders and Cross-Border Cooperation in Comparative Perspective
MES (WPM 1: Regieren in Europa; WPM 4: Stadt, Region und Grenze in Europa)
Jańczak, Jarosław

Wer entscheidet in der EU
MES (GM 2)
Kutter, Amelie

Wie geht klimaneutrale Transformation?
MES (WPM 1: Regieren in Europa; WPM 4: Stadt, Region und Grenze in Europa)
Kutter, Amelie

Krisendiskurse. Diskursive Politikstudien und sozialwissenschaftliche Diskursanalyse
MES (ZB Politik; ZB Kultur)
Kutter, Amelie

Wie schreibe ich eine Masterarbeit?
MES (ZB Politik; ZB Kultur)
Kutter, Amelie

The Art of Being Soviet: Soviet Identity and its Dimensions
MES (WPM 5: Kultur, Geschichte & Gesellschaft in Europa)
Mikheieva, Oksana

Deutsch-Polnische Beziehungen im heutigen Europa
MES (WPM 1: Regieren in Europa)
Prawda, Marek

Die vergleichende Methode: Die politischen Systeme im östlichen Europa
Priebus, Sonja

Democratic Backsliding in the European Union – The EU’s Rule of Law Toolbox
MES (WPM 1: Regieren in Europa)
Priebus, Sonja

Dekoloniale Kritik
MES (WPM 5: Kultur, Geschichte & Gesellschaft in Europa)
Schindel, Estela

The Anthropocene and the Social Sciences
MES (WPM 5: Kultur, Geschichte & Gesellschaft in Europa)
Schindel, Estela

Pour une approche comparative des génocides au XXe siècle : des Arméniens dans l’empire ottoman (1915) aux Tutsi au Rwanda (2014)
MES (WPM 3: Migration, Ethnizität, Ethnozentrismus; WPM 5: Kultur, Geschichte & Gesellschaft in Europa)
Théofilakis, Fabien

How should Nazi crimes be judged? The Second World War and its legacy in Europe (1945-2022)
MES (WPM 5: Kultur, Geschichte & Gesellschaft in Europa)
Théofilakis, Fabien

Berufsfeld Diplomatie und Institutionen der Europäischen Union
MES (Praxismodul: praxisrelevante Fertigkeiten)
Trautmann, Ulrich

Einführung in die Europasoziologie
MES (GM1: Einführung europäische Geschichte)
Worschech, Susann

Protest, Political Violence, Revolutions: Sociology of large social change
MES (ZB Politik; WPM 5: Kultur, Geschichte & Gesellschaft in Europa)
Worschech, Susann

Environment and Climate Policies at EU level
MES (WPM 1: Regieren in Europa; WPM 6: Wirtschaftspolitik in Europa)
Xenakis, Yannis

Folgen des Krieges in der Ukraine – das Ende des postsowjetischen Paradigmas?
MES (ZB Politik; WPM 1: Regieren in Europa)
Beichelt, Timm

European Entrepreneurship
MES (ZB Politik; WPM 6: Wirtschaftspolitik in Europa)
Geisler, Robert

Poland and the EU: Regions and Regional Policy in Focus
MES (ZB Politik)
Geisler, Robert

Europa und das Heilige Land zur Zeit von Kaiser Friedrich II von Hohenstaufen
MES (ZB Kultur; WPM 5: Kultur, Geschichte & Gesellschaft in Europa)
Helm, Christoph

Borders and Migration
MES (WPM 1: Regieren in Europa; WPM 3: Migration, Ethnizität, Ethnozentrismus; WPM 4: Stadt, Region und Grenze in Europa)
Jańczak, Jarosław/ Leutloff-Grandits, C.

Wie schreibe ich eine Masterarbeit?
MES (ZB Kultur; ZB Politik)
Kutter, Amelie

Wer entscheidet in der Europäischen Union? Das Beispiel der Migrationspolitik
Kutter, Amelie

Wie geht klimaneutrale Transformation? Europäische Nachhaltigkeitspolitik und lokale Change-Maker
MES (WPM 1: Regieren in Europa; WPM 4: Stadt, Region und Grenze in Europa)
Kutter, Amelie

European peripheries
MES (ZB Politik; WPM 1: Regieren in Europa; WPM 4: Stadt, Region und Grenze in Europa)
Kutter, Amelie

Energy Transitions
MES (ZB Wirtschaft; WPM 6: Wirtschaftspolitik in Europa)
Lowitzsch, Jens

Exploring Peace in a Time of War: war and society in sociological perspective
MES (ZB Kultur; ZB Politik; WPM 5: Kultur, Geschichte & Gesellschaft in Europa)
Mikheieva, Oksana

Soviet Identity and its Spatial Coordinates
MES (WPM 5: Kultur, Geschichte & Gesellschaft in Europa)
Mikheieva, Oksana

Qualitative data Analysis: collecting, description, analysis, and interpretation
MES (ZB Kultur; ZB Politik)
Mikheieva, Oksana

Using and Interpreting Images in Qualitative Research
MES (ZB Kultur; ZB Politik)
Mikheieva, Oksana

Aktuelle Problemfelder der europäischen Politik
MES (ZB Kultur; WPM 1: Regieren in Europa)
Prawda, Marek

Einführung in das politische System der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
BA Recht und Politik (Modul III.1)
Priebus, Sonja

Einführung in die politikwissenschaftlichen Arbeitstechniken
BA Recht und Politik (Sozialwissenschaftliche Grundlagen); BA KuWi (Vergleichende Sozialwissenschaften: Einführung)
Priebus, Sonja

Sozial- und Gesellschaftstheorie
BA KuWi (Vergleichende Sozialwissenschaften: Einführung)
Schneider, Friederike

Kulturwissenschaftliches Europa-Kolloquium IFES
Schindel, Estela/ Münnich, Sascha

Sozial- und Gesellschaftstheorie (Einführung)
BA KuWi (Vergleichende Sozialwissenschaften: Einführung)
Schindel, Estela

Forschungsseminar: Die Oder als Rechtssubjekt
MES (WPM 4: Stadt, Region und Grenze in Europa; WPM 5: Kultur, Geschichte & Gesellschaft in Europa)
Schindel, Estela

Contemporary European Security after the invasion of Ukraine
MES (ZB Politik; WPM 1: Regieren in Europa)
Tugtan, Mehmet Ali (Aziz Nesin)

Wann ist der Krieg ein Krieg? – Begriffe und Diskurse in historischer Perspektive
MAS: Konflikt- und GewaltgeschichteKGMOE: Wahlmodul: Politische Ordnung - Wirtschaft - Gesellschaft
Theofilakis, Fabien/ Weber, Claudia

Comment sort-on du génocide ? Shoah et génocide des Tutsi au Rwanda en regard
MES (ZB Kultur; WPM 3: Migration, Ethnizität, Ethnozentrismus; WPM 5: Kultur, Geschichte & Gesellschaft in Europa)
Theofilakis, Fabien

Trials for history: the Second World War in the courts, the public space and memories in Europe
MES (WPM 3: Migration, Ethnizität, Ethnozentrismus; WPM 5: Kultur, Geschichte & Gesellschaft in Europa)
Theofilakis, Fabien

Konflikt- und Sicherheitsstudien
MES (ZB Politik; WPM 1: Regieren in Europa)
Worschech, Susann

Einführung in die Europasoziologie. Institutionen – Gesellschaft – Sozialer Wandel
Worschech, Susann

Notes on term papers and final theses

Important documents:
Here you will find important documents and links to help you when writing term papers, BA theses and MA theses. Please pay particular attention to the document "Principles for term papers and final theses", which contains information on both the theoretical and conceptual approach as well as the formal rules of term papers/theses and, finally, the assessment criteria.

Final theses at the Chair:
Because of the many requests I receive, I have to set up some rules to limit the number of theses I supervise and assess as second examiner. You can write a Bachelor's or Master's thesis under my supervision if you have earned at least 6 ECTS in my courses during your studies. At the same time, you must have attended a methods course, preferably at one of the Chairs with a social science specialisation. Students on the double degree programmes (Istanbul, Poznan, Strasbourg) are exempt from this rule; they should contact me individually. Due to the high number of theses that I supervise, there can unfortunately be no exception to this rule (credit points + methods course).

If this condition does not apply to you, I would like to ask you to consider a supervisor or second examiner at one of the other Chairs with a social science specialisation, where you may have earned credit points. If you have completed a course by a lecturer who does not appear on this list: Please contact the Dean's Office or the MES office to find out which professor the lecturer in question is assigned to. Please note that supervision can generally only take place within the teaching and research competences of the individual lecturers. Therefore, when choosing your topic, please start from a course that you have actually attended. For "free-floating topics" it is usually very difficult to find a supervisor.

When searching, please document if you get a rejection. In my role as Head of MES, I will then try to help you as much as I can. Incidentally, please seek out your potential supervisors during consultation hours; simple e-mail contact is generally not sufficient.

I can take an oral examination (BA) for you if you have attended one of my courses during your degree programme and completed it with at least 6 ECTS.

Notes on letters of recommendation

I receive 1-2 requests for letters of recommendation per week. Since the workload is hardly manageable, I had to establish some general rules for writing recommendation letters.

Which letters of recommendation do I issue?
Letters of recommendation are generally only issued for students who have earned at least 6 ECTS credits at the Chair. Other requests must be rejected for capacity reasons.

In order for a recommendation to be of any use, it must be positive. Therefore, students whose performance has not been graded 2.0 ("B") or higher should refrain from requesting a letter of recommendation (this is a general rule of thumb). A recommendation that results in "less than good" should generally have a counterproductive effect.

As a rule, I issue one recommendation per stage of study or career. If you wish to apply for multiple positions, a "general" recommendation is provided. This is not only due to capacity reasons; the idea behind it is that you should be clear about your own preferences.

What documents do I need?
The letters of recommendation are (of course) prepared by myself. However, I do require certain preparatory work, again for capacity reasons. On the one hand, I expect accompanying documents:

  • CV in tabular form
  • Explanation of the project for which you require a letter of recommendation (scholarship, internship, etc.)

On the other hand, I ask you to prepare the recommendation yourself in an electronic document containing the following elements:

  • Exact address of the recipient (postal address, contact person if applicable)
  • Exact "subject"
  • A pre-formulated paragraph about your motivation for the scholarship, internship, etc.
  • 3-4 bullet points on those elements from your CV that you would like to find in the recommendation

Please send all documents together in one e-mail.

What type of recommendation is issued?
In general, only closed letters of recommendation are issued.

Reviews for doctorates:
There are no fixed rules for doctorates; please contact me individually.

Notes on doctorates