Doctorates (PhD)

Notes on doctorates

Application for doctoral theses:

  • Contact me at to clarify whether your topic or subject basically fits the profile of the Chair.
  • Please send an exposé (approx. 3-5 pages) in which you present a) the subject, b) the research question, c) working hypotheses, d) theoretical and methodological positioning, e) structural outline of your project. Possible languages: German and English.
  • The Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences will decide on your acceptance on the basis of this exposé, your degree certificate and your qualification thesis (e.g. MA thesis, PDF file). The assessment is based on a four-eye principle (two Viadrina university lecturers). It is not necessary to enclose a letter of recommendation; it is possible (but not mandatory) to provide reference persons.

After acceptance of the doctorate:

  • Hooray!
  • Enrolment at the European University as a doctoral candidate is required.
  • The doctoral thesis can be written in German or English.
  • After consultation, I will endeavour to provide the best possible support for applications for doctoral scholarships on the basis of a detailed exposé.
  • During the doctorate, I assume that you will make regular progress in your written thesis.
  • For doctoral candidates with a presence of at least 3 days/week in Frankfurt (Oder), I will endeavor to set up a workplace at the university.
  • You will receive support to present your work progress at meetings, conferences etc. and, if necessary, to use it in publications.

Letters of recommendation for doctoral projects:

There are no fixed rules for doctorates; please contact me individually.

Ongoing and completed doctorates

Manuel Normann
Essays on the Affective Determinants of Political Action in Tax Policy

Clair Gauthier
Assumptions in Power: A Network Analysis of Interest Groups' Assumptions about Consumer Behaviour in the EU Energy Transition (2009-2019)

Stepan Rusyn
Collective Memory in Germany's Policy towards Central and Eastern Europe

Stefan Kunath
Die Positionen der Linkspartei zur EU-Integration und Migrationspolitik: eine inhaltsanalytische Untersuchung
abgeschlossen: 2023

Anthonasios Liapas
Die deutsche Politik zur Bewältigung der Schuldenkrise in Griechenland (2010-2017): hegemonial oder kooperativ?
abgeschlossen: 2022

Yana Kavrakova
Institutionelle, Interessen- und Lernblockaden im EU-Mehrebenensystem.
abgeschlossen: 2017

Christiane Barnickel
Postdemokratische Legitimationspolitik? Ein Vergleich der Selbstrechtfertigungen politischer Akteure in Großen Regierungserklärungen im Deutschen Bundestag (1949-2014)
abgeschlossen: 2018

Linn Selle
Multi-Level Parliarmentarism on the rise? Networks in the EU´s policy process and is repercussions on integration concepts.
abgeschlossen: 2017

Florian Wassenberg
Internationale Sicherheitsinstitutionen und nationale Sicherheitsstrategien von EU-Staaten: Nato und EU als Instrumente der polnischen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik 2005-2011
abgeschlossen: 2018

Susann Worschech (Berlin)
Die "Herstellung" von Zivilgesellschaft: Wertediffusion und soziales Handeln in Akteursnetzwerken der Demokratieförderung am Beispiel der Ukraine
abgeschlossen: 2016

Dorothea Keudel-Kaiser (Jena)
Die Bildung von Minderheitsregierungen in Mittel- und Osteuropa
abgeschlossen: 2013

Franziska Blomberg
Civil Society's Democratic Spill-Over in Hybrid Regimes - External Democracy Promotion in Divided Societies
abgeschlossen: 2013

Edina Szöcsik (Zürich)
Forderungen und Strategien von ethnischen Minderheitenparteien in Mittel- und Osteuropa
abgeschlossen: 2012

Amelie Kutter (Berlin)
EU Polity-building and the Dynamics of Translation in Polish and French Media Debates on the EU Constitution
abgeschlossen: 2011