Dr. Pablo Valdivia Orozco


Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences

Academic Staff Member

By appointment at valdivia@europa-uni.de.


  • Decolonial literary and cultural studies (especially from a Latin American perspective)
  • Aesthetic theory and the history of aesthetics (conceptualism, poetology, philology, deconstruction)
  • Critical theory and approaches critical of power (critique, intersectionality, perspectivism)
  • Genre and media theory (novel theory, narratology, image-text relationships, oralität)


  • Latin American literatures and cultures of the present and the colonial period
  • Spanish and French-language literatures of the modern era (Cervantes, Gracián, Descartes, Montaigne, Valéry)
  • Theories of modernity and colonial modernity

Since 04/2024
Scientific assistant at the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies
Habilitation Universität Leipzig (procedure to be opened),
Title of thesis: “Das unbändige Begehren der Dichtung: Eine machtkritische Lektüre von Petrarcas Secretum meum)“,
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jobst Welge (Universität Leipzig)

04/2023 - 03/2024
Own position (PI) as co-applicant in a VW research project
2011 - 2023
Research assistant at the European University Viadrina, at the Chair of Western European Literatures (Prof. Dr. Andrea Allerkamp)
. Dr. Andrea Allerkamp)
PhD Romance Studies University of Potsdam (Summa cum laude)
Title of the thesis: World Diversity: A Romantic Theoretical Study based on García Márquez, Sandra Cisneros and Roberto Bolaño).
Reviewers Prof. Dr. Ottmar Ette, Prof, Dr. Anselm Haverkamp
Research associate at the University of Potsdam, Caribbean Studies (Emmy Noether Group), under the direction of Prof. Dr. Gesine Müller
Research assistant at the University of Potsdam, Chair of Spanish and French Literature and Comparative Literature, (Prof. Dr. Ottmar Ette)
Visiting Research Fellow at NYU (USA) in the program “Theory and Poetics”, in cooperation with Prof. George Yúdice and Prof. Jacques Lezra.
Postdoc in the DFG-Graduiertenkolleg “Lebensformen und Lebenswissen” with a research project on Jean Starobinski, in cooperation with the Universität Paris 1 (Sorbonne-Panthéon, Prof. Dr. Danièle Cohn).
2005 - 2008
Doctoral student in the DFG Research Training Group „Life Forms and Life Knowledge“,
Speakers: Prof. Dr. Anselm Haverkamp, Prof. Dr. Christoph Menke


Main Building (HG)
Große Scharrnstraße 59
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
  • HG 016

+49 335 5534 2281 valdivia@europa-uni.de