Criticism of capitalism in the cinema
Sascha Münnich is a guest at the Babelsberg Film University for a discussion about criticism of capitalism in cinema.
Criticism of capitalism as the cause of the climate crisis and social inequality is on the rise. But how do you tell this story in a film? Beyond the individual, how do you convey something about society as a whole or the complex interrelationships of a system?
In order to be able to talk about a social system, criticise it and possibly even make suggestions for change, a deeper understanding of it is a prerequisite. In this transdisciplinary colloquium organised by Christine Lang, the perspectives of filmmakers and economic sociology will therefore be brought into dialogue. The filmmaker Carmen Losmann (»Oeconomia«) and the economic sociologist Sascha Münnich (European University Viadrina in Frankfurt /Oder) have been invited.
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