Life and future orientation in Brandenburg
Completion of the teaching research project with presentation of results in Falkenhagen (Mark)
In Falkenhagen (Mark), Prof. Dr Sascha Münnich, his team and students will present their research findings on social and political attitudes in the community on Thursday, 8 February at 6.00 pm. For several semesters, a teaching research project had focussed on the residents of the village. Interested parties are invited to follow the presentation of the results at the Seelow-Land volunteer fire brigade, Friedrich-Engels-Straße 5, 15306 Falkenhagen (Mark).
Continuously updated you will also find the press and reporting on the teaching research project here:
MOZ (Märkische Oderzeitung): 03.03.2024, Nancy Waldmann: „Study on Falkenhagen. Dorf sehnt sich nach Gemeinschaft – kann ein Professor helfen?“ (last accessed: 02.06.2024).
rbb24: 09.02.2024, Elke Bader: „Viadrina sociologists research village life in Falkenhagen“ (last accessed: 02.06.2024).
Viadrina logbook: 31 January 2023 (HST): „Loss of trust in local politics? – Students research social and political attitudes in Falkenhagen“ (last accessed: 02.06.2024).
MOZ: 16.05.2022, Cornelia Link-Adam: „Was residents of Falkenhagen reported to sociologists at the University of Frankfurt (Oder)“ (last accessed: 02.06.2024).
MOZ: 07.01.2022, Cornelia Link-Adam: „Students from the European University Viadrina want to research the community of Falkenhagen“ (last accessed: 02.06.2024).
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