Dr. Andrea Mina

Dr. Andrea Mina

Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences (Kuwi)

Professor of Social Philosophy
Academic Staff Member

By appointment. Registration at: mina@europa-uni.de

• History of early phenomenology
• Theor(ies) of intersubjectivity
• History of concepts

Since July 2022
Academic assistant at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)

PhD at Consorzio FINO (Northwestern Italian Philosophy Consortium). Dissertation on the philosophy of life with Max Scheler

Master's degree in Philosophy at the University of Turin

Bachelor's degree in Philosophy at the University of Turin

„How is a Pure Biology Possible? Scheler and the relativity of knowledge to life", Graduate Workshop on the Entwinement of Logic and Life, 14.09.23, Ghent

„Zur Rekonstruktion institutioneller Verhältnisse anhand privater Briefwechsel", Workshop: Intellektuellenbriefe - Max Scheler und sein Umfeld, 18.09.23, Frankfurt (Oder)

„Bergson im Symapthiebuch" (with Caterina Zanfi), Max Scheler. Nature et Formes de la Sympathie (1923- 2023): sources et réceptions, 09.06.23, Paris


Main Building (HG)
Große Scharrnstraße 59
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
  • HG 067

+49 335 5534 2389 mina@europa-uni.de