Chair profile

I. German-Jewish literary & cultural history of modernity

It is one of the most important tasks of the inter­dis­zi­pli­när zusammen­men­zet­zetzten Lehr­stuhl, a contribution to the re­kon­struk­tion and presentation of German-Jewish literature and culture in the context of the eu­ro­pä­ish mo­derne. The breadth of this thematic field reflects the diversity of the teaching and research activities of the chair team: It ranges from the treatment of the work and effects of German-Jewish authors and authors as in­nova­tive part of lite­ra­ri­culture in Germany (Habi­li­ta­tions­pro­jekt "Politik und Poetik jüGerman-non-Jewish friendships in German-Jewish literary history since the Enlightenment") üon the development of new research questions on the field of tension between anti-Semitism, Jewish identity and political culture (Habi­li­ta­tions­pro­jekt "Im Schatten August Bebels").

Positions of German Social Democracy on Anti-Semitism and Zionism (1918-1932)") to the investigation of memory and remembrance after Auschwitz. A re­gio­nal focus is on ar­at­ts on Jewish life in Ber­lin and Bran­den­burg (Lehr­stuhl­pro­jek­te).

II Literary culture of German Jews in Nazi Germany

It is one of the Chair's most important projects, which it has been carrying out for the past ten years;research on the li­te­ra­ture of anti­fa­schis­ti­exile, the so-called­inner emi­gra­tion and to the Nazi li­te­ra­ture, a representation of the li­te­ra­ri­cultur­ture and com­mu­ni­ca­tion of German youth in the na­tio­nal­so­zia­lis­ti­German­land. The project to create a new, written and written history of German­-speaking Li­te­ra­tur for the years­After 1933, the German government had a special focus on research and development (For­schungs­schwer­punkt).

III Exile, emigration and remigration

In the scientific as well as in the ge­sell­schaft­li­chen dia­log üüber die Zeit des Na­tio­nal­so­zia­lis­mus und de­ren Fol­The Lehr­stuhl also has a special role to play with its the­ma­ti­cal approach to questions of exile. He is in­ter­dis­ci­pli­n­rich­tet and is involved in both research and teaching;research and teaching deals with the exile of the arts, sciences and humanities. An ad­qua­te über­na­tio­le so­wie zeit­li­c Öff­nung des Ver­ständ­nis­ses from exile into the years of the post­war­period resp. the Re&­mi­gra­tion presents its­ne ac­ti­vi­tä­ten. He is the bearer of the re­gio­na­len cha­rak­ter of exile and a­equal of the­sen Zen­tren­bil­dun­gen be­rück­sich­ti­gend, soll­len ins­be­son­dere For­schun­gen zu noch im­mer un­to­rei­chendly­closed­se­nen re­gio­na­l heavy­points such as the mit­tel and ost­eu­ro­päand eastern European countries, the La­tein­ame­ri­ka­ni­c area and the Asian­ti­c area.

At a­point in time when per­spek­ti­ven, questions­ge­ho­ri­zon­te and the­men­s­lunches of exile­research­on­fal­ling­ste­t have been a „tion, the­se is too­immediately recognised as a „nor­mal science“, de­ren self­ver­stän­dnis of a „new­jus­tie­rung“ be­darf. Against this­backdrop, the different ways in which the­chair­works­should­be un­der­n­the­ten theo­re­ti­s view­punk­ten new wis­sen­schaft­li­che questions to the quel­len for­mu­lie­ren, – bei­spiels­wei­se im Kon­text of identi­ti­täts­for­schung, in­ter­kul­turel­len and in­ter­re­li­giö­sen dia­logs, the Dar­stel­lung jüof the history of civilisation and society, of gene­r­research, of the culture, history and society of the post­war­era. Last but not least, the­ar­ti­ge me­tho­di­sche Neu­an­s­t­ze should be integrated into a dia­log with ent­wick­lun­of the ge&­gen­w­r­ti­geni­tions­for­schung tre­ten (Dis­kus­sions­fo­rum "Beweg­tes Eu­ro­pa").

IV. Migration research

With its­third the­ma­ti­tion­focal point in the Mi­gra­tions­for­schung, the Lehr­stuhl will not only become a centre of excellence in the Li­te­ra­tur­science­s­s­s­s­s­s­s­s­series "Zwi­schen()Wel­ten" events) will not only be able to develop a young­plin­plin wei­ter, but­but much­more in the development of its theo­ma­ti­s theo­re­ti­cient knowledge­s of exile and dias­pora­for­research;The aim of the programme is to make the knowledge of exile and dias­pora­for­schung fruitful for mi­gra­tion­for­schung and vice versa ("Beweg­tes Eu­ro­pa" – Offe­nes Fo­rum Mi­gra­tion und Li­te­ra­tur). It immediately emphasises one of Via­drina's most important­research­points and is intended to provide a the­ma­ti­ng the­net­cation of the various­de­ner and fa­cul­tä­tä­ten be­för­dern.

V. Visualising the memory of exile and the diaspora

Ne­ben an in­ter­dis­ci­pli­när from­ge­rich­te­t research;and a­er for­schol­na­hen teaching­re in the be­schrie­be­nen Be­rei­The Lehr­stuhl is dedicated to the Vi­sua­li­sie­rungung und Vir­tua­li­sie­rung von Ge­dächt­nis und Er­in­ne­run­gen des Exils und der Dias­pora. The use and preservation of EUV ar­chi­ve (such as, among others the Karl Dedecius Archive) as well as the integration of these institutions into current research programmes, conferences and events;r­ces, teaching­pro­jek­te and öf­fent­li­che ver­an­stal­tun­gen are among the tasks of the Lehr­stuhl.

As a pi­lot­project, the DFG-funded work on a „digital ar­chive of jü­di­rin­rinnen­nen and Au­to­ren in Berlin 1933-1945“ (DAjAB) began in May 2014. An "On­line-Le­xi­kon jü­di­scher Au­rin­nen und Au­to­ren im na­tio­nal­so­zia­lis­ti­schen Deutsch­land" (OLjA) is planned. The Lehr­stuhl is thus continuing its efforts to promote the do­cu­men­ta­tion of ver­fol­The organisation of the proceedings of young women and men in­ner­half of Germany­wäh­During the time of the Na­tio­nal­so­zia­lis­mus on a vir­tu­el­ler level and can thus­and in the future will be able to present an unrivalled collection on the Via­drina.

In its öf­fent­li­chen Wir­ken, the Lehr­stuhl should become an ac­ti­ven stim­me in the ge­sell­schaft­li­chen dia­log über Ge­dächt­nis, Er­in­ne­run­gen, Li­te­ra­tur and Ge­schich­te become­den. It should be in­ter­re­li­giö­sen and in­ter­cul­tu­rel­l dia­log, e.g. with the do&­cu­men­ta­tion and education of eth­ni­fol­gins, for a greater to­le­rance and an er­wei­ter­t understanding of the ge­sell­schaft­li­chen co­an­an­der wer­ben.