Events and lectures

Lecture profile

Ottmar Ette
Reading from his book: Mein Name sei Amo

Caroline Sauter
Lacarese d'une langue. Derrida (und) Übersetzen

Wolfang Asholt
Das Manifest des Surrealismus und die Theorie der Avantgarde

Francesca Raimondi
(Un)disciplined labour.

Oliver Precht
Politics of perception.

Tom Waibel

Judith Kasper
Fällen, Fallen, Lesen.

Joseph Vogl
Capitalism and Resentment.

Isabell Lorey
Precarisation, care and queer debt.

Antonia Birnbaum
On the critique of violence.

Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky
Possession is always unjust.

Samo Tomsic
Solidarity and the social bond.

Erich Hörl
In the Epochless

Andrea Gremels
The Afro-Caribbean Surrealism

Iris Därmann

Ruth Sonderegger (Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna)
»On the way to the abolition of Western Äaesthetics. Fred Moten's confrontation with Theodor W. Adorno.«
Organised by Katja Diefenbach and Pablo Valdivia. Faculty of Cultural Studies. European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder).

Michaela Ott
Female articulations in essay films
Essay films thrive on exploratory search movements, personal handwriting, montages of disparate elements - in short, on the audiovisual formulation of a problem. It is no coincidence that filmmakers such as Angela Melitopoulos or Hito Steyerl like to choose this genre of expression, as it allows them to test the boundaries of what is socially agreed, precarious constructions of identity and types of collective speech, and to formulate the sensibility of the respective time in a tentative and sketchy form.

Gérard Raulet
Masterclass Benjamin and the Französische Intellektuellen
Politik des Ornaments. Reflections on the political representation.

Jacques Rancière
Masterclass "Ästhetics and Philosophy"

Gianluca Solla, (Università di Verona)
Masterclass  "The philosophers dream?"

Denis Thouard (Guest Heinrich-von-Kleist Institute)
Lecture/workshop discussion "Must philosophy also become popular?"

Philippe Büttgen, sponsored by Pensées françaises contemporaines, (guest Heinrich-von-Kleist Institute)
Lecture: ""Religion and Globalisation" On the Critique of Religion Today".

Anil Bhatti (Award winner of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation)
Lecture: "Ähnlichkeit, Ein kulturtheoretisches Konzept"

Sadik al-Azm (Guest Heinrich-von-Kleist Institute)
Lecture/Workshop Talk with  Anil Bhatti „Signatures of Pluricultural life forms“

Yoko Tawada (Guest Heinrich-von-Kleist Institute)
Lecture:  "Europe and Foreigners"

Chantal Marazia (Fellow  Alexander von Humboldt Foundation)
Habilitation project:  "Anatomies of Gesture. Towards a History of the Tic."

Danièle Cohn (Paris-Sorbonne I)
Colloquium  "Nietzsche: The Birth of the Tragödie and the Dionysian"

Denis Kambouchner (Paris-Sorbonne I)
Colloquium  "Descartes Style. Reflections on a Historical Theme"

Stéphane Lojkine (Université Aix-Marseille)
Jacques Lezra (NYU Department of Comparative Literature)
Workshop with scientific guest lectures


9 - 30 September 2022, Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)
"Politiken der Idylle"
A workshop as part of the DFG network "Politiken der Idylle", funded by the DFG and the VCGS
Conception and organisation: Pablo Valdivia and Michalina Golinczak

03 February 2015, Kleist Museum, Frankfurt (Oder)
Jörg Pose (Deutsches Theater Berlin)
Reading. Fyodor Dostoyevsky: Aufzeichnungen aus dem Kellerloch

29 January 2015
, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)
Prof. Dr Denis Kambouchner (Paris-Sorbonne I)
"Descartes Style. Reflections on a Historical Theme"

20 - 21 November 2014,  Berlin / Frankfurt (Oder)
"Nietzsche: Die Geburt der Tragödie und das Dionysische", organised by Danièle Cohn and Andrea Allerkamp.
The workshop focuses on „Lesarten von Nietzsche: qu'en est-il du dionysiaque?“ and thus poses the question of the Dionysian.


24 - 26 September 2015, Kleist Museum, Frankfurt (Oder)
UNARTEN. Kleist und das Gesetz der Gattung
Conference organised by the HvK Institute in cooperation with the Kleist Museum and the young researchers network Cultural and Literary Animal Studies. Supported by the Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION.

10 - 12 December 2014, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)
"Paul Valéry: Für eine Epistemonologie der Potentialität"
Funded by the Viadrina Center for Graduate Studies.

26 - 28 June 2014, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)
Schönes Denken – Baumgartens Epoche
Anniversary conference to mark the 300th birthday of Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten (1714-1762).


Office management

Anette Hübner

Office hours

Tuesday and Thursday 9 am - 12 pm or by appointment

Room: HG 272