AI Technology as Interactional Human Culture. Language, Data Practice and Social Struggle
In this interdisciplinary workshop, we discuss AI culture from a critical anthropological, sociological and linguistic perspective. Listen to the talks from Alicia Fuentes-Calle, Andreas Hepp, Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Emily M. Bender, Felix do Carmo, Gabriella Chronis, Joanna Raczaszek-Leonardi, Michela Gargiulo, Nina Markl and Tim Hector.
International Workshop // Hybrid Event
March 30 & 31 2023, European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Organised by Britta Schneider and Marie-Theres Fester-Seeger
We treat AI-culture as human and interactional practice and investigate it as embedded in wider social structures as well as linguistic conditions. Within this view, users and programmers of AI are no autonomous individuals but part of communities based on social affiliation, language, shared cultural practice and economic intentions. Together with scholars and practitioners, we seek to give attention to the people behind the systems and to their societal and linguistic embeddings and critically engage with the role of living human and ‘enlanguaged’ beings within AI systems.
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