Culture and History of Central and Eastern Europe - Prof. Dr Werner Benecke

Professorship for Culture and History of Central and Eastern Europe

The profile of the professorship includes research and teaching on the following main topics:

  • History of Russia from the 16th to the 20th century with a special focus on social, expansionist, military and economic history;
  • History of Poland in the (Eastern) European context with a special focus on social, legal and cultural history as well as the history of minorities;
  • Jüdische Geschichte in Polen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert;
  • Regional history of the Oder region with a special focus on the city of Frankfurt (Oder)
  • .

Professorship holder

Prof Dr Werner Benecke

Prof. Dr Werner Benecke was appointed to the Gerd Bucerius Endowed Professorship for the Culture and History of Central and Eastern Europe at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) in 2007. He has been Professor of Central and Eastern European Culture and History there since January 2013.

In his research, he focuses primarily on Polish history in the 19th and 20th centuries, minority issues and the social and military history of Russia in the 19th century.

In addition, Prof. Dr Werner Benecke coordinates the Master's degree programme „Culture and History of Central and Eastern Europe“.

Werner Benecke


Teaching and research

Blick von der Grenzbrücke zum Collegium-Polonicum

Master's degree programme "Culture and History of Central and Eastern Europe"

The unique thing about the interdisciplinary Master's programme is that it not only teaches knowledge about Central and Eastern Europe, but that the course itself is anchored in the border region between Germany and Poland, where lecturers and students from Europe and the world come together to work in an interdisciplinary way on the challenges, perspectives and problems of Eastern European culture and history in their pan-European context. The programme is coordinated by Prof. Dr Werner Benecke.

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offene Bücher, Brillen


Overview of current and past courses

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Ausstellung im GD

Jerzy Giedroyc Research Colloquium

The Eastern European Colloquium will no longer take place in its traditional form. Instead, we would like to draw your attention to the Jerzy Giedroyc Research Colloquium of the newly founded Viadrina Centre of Polish and Ukrainian Studies. The interdisciplinary research colloquium is jointly organised by Prof. Dr Dagmara Jajeśniak-Quast, Prof. Dr Andrii Portnov and Prof. Dr Werner Benecke.

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Wort "Forschung" auf Scrabble-Brett, Ansicht von oben, Großaufnahme

Current projects

Here you will find information on current research and transfer projects as well as habilitations and doctorates at the professorship.

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Akten im Hängeregister


Here you will find an overview of Prof Dr Werner Benecke's publications (PDF).

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