Prof. Dr. Anna Bergmann

Rainer Berson
Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences
Adjunct Professor for Modern and Cultural History- History of perception of the body and death
- Cultural history of anatomy, medical human experimentation and transplantation medicine
- Historical gender studies
- History of racial hygiene, eugenics and human genetics
- History of childhood
- Born in Michelbach/Lower Franconia in 1953
- Studied political and social sciences at the Otto Suhr Institute, the Central Institute for Social Science Research and the Institute for East European Studies at the Free University of Berlin - graduated with a degree in political science
- Doctorate in Philosophy at the Department of Political Sciences at Freie Universität Berlin and at the Institute for the History of Medicine at Faculty 1 of Freie Universität Berlin
- Habilitation and teaching qualification in Modern History and Cultural History at the Faculty of Cultural Studies at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
- Appointment as Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Cultural Studies at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder)