
Prof. Dr. Sascha Münnich

Prof. Dr. Sascha Münnich

Institute director

  • Logenstraße 11
  • 15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
  • LH 204

Research areas

Professor Sascha Münnich is the director of the Viadrina Institute for European Studies (IFES) and holds the Professorship of Sociology of Economy. His research focuses on economic sociology and sociological theory, with particular attention to financial and labor markets, critiques of capitalism, and social policy in European countries and North America from a comparative historical perspective. Beyond his extensive academic publications, Sascha Münnich is also active in the media, offering sociological insights into the economy, culture, and politics of European societies. More information about Sascha Münnich can be found on the website of the Professorship of Sociology of Economy.


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PD Dr. Estela Schindel

Academic coordinator

  • Logenstraße 11
  • 15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
  • LH 115

Research areas

Dr Estela Schindel is associate professor and the scientific managing director of the Viadrina Institute for European Studies. Her teaching and research interests include urban memory, theories and representations of violence, (im)mobility regimes, border- and (im)mobility regimes, and biopolitics. Her current research engages with the Anthropocene crisis and decolonial critique as well as with ‘Nature’ and Water as objects of sociological inquiry.

Foto von Claudia Weber

Prof. Dr. Claudia Weber

Vice director

  • Logenstraße 11
  • 15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
  • LH 215

Research areas

Professor Claudia Weber's research interests include the history of violence and dictatorships in the 20th century, the cultural history of the Cold War, the history of war in the modern era, historical Europeanisation processes and the history of European concepts. Further information on Claudia Weber can be found on the website of her Professorship for European Contemporary History.

Foto Mady Wolff

Mady Wolff


  • Logenstraße 11
  • 15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
  • LH 111
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Friederike Schneider

Research assistant

  • Logenstraße 11
  • 15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
  • LH K 12
Kiaro Hinz neu

Kiaro Hinz

Research assistant

  • Logenstraße 11
  • 15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
  • LH K 12