
ValEU's research network


ValEUs is a research network to tackle EU foreign policy challenges

Project description

As an overarching research initiative under the leadership of the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), the project is dedicated to current challenges faced by the European Union (EU) and the analysis of possible counter-strategies.
The project entitled "ValEUs. Research & Education Network on Contestations to EU Foreign Policy" is funded by the EU Commission as part of the Jean Monnet Policy Network (JMPN) with 1.2 million euros for three years, starting January 2024.

The project involves twenty partner institutions from seventeen countries on five continents and investigates the foreign policy of the European Union and its related values. Professor Dr Timm Beichelt, Viadrina Professor of European Studies and head of the network, emphasises the importance of the task of examining whether the EU lives up to the values it promises itself and others. Issues such as migration, asylum policy and the EU enlargement process are highlighted as possible areas of systematic deviation from the established normative standards.

The network ValEUs aims to develop joint interdisciplinary research projects, engage in teaching co-participation and offering a platform for professional exchange through conferences, summer schools and a large-scale online course. In addition, the project consortium aims to initiate social debates and develop recommendations for political actors and civil society.

The European Union, committed to upholding values such as human dignity, freedom, equality, and solidarity, faces unprecedented challenges in implementing its foreign policy mission globally. Despite expectations of global acceptance of the EU values in post-Iron Curtain reality, the rise of illiberal governments, conflicts like the Yugoslav Wars and Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, and the reluctance of major international powers to condemn violations of international law have all contributed to a reevaluation of the EU’s effectiveness in fostering peace.

Challenges within Europe, including rising inequalities, populist movements, and struggles in policy areas like migration, climate, and energy, further complicate the EU’s efforts. The “ValEUs” network aims to provide a realistic account of EU foreign policy, develop alternative policy agendas, and identify counterstrategies to future contestations. Moreover, it seeks to redefine the role of universities as globally responsible, socially invested, and democratic actors.

In the face of evolving global dynamics, “ValEUs” stands as a beacon of critical analysis and forward-thinking, striving to fortify the European Union’s commitment to its foundational values on the international stage. The initiative acknowledges the urgency of reevaluating European foreign policy thirteen years after the Lisbon Treaty, emphasizing the need for a renewed focus on democracy, human rights, and the promotion of EU values worldwide.

Further details

For more details, visit the project website or listen to the podcast where the head of the project, Timm Beichelt presents main topics of the project such as the discrepancy between Europe's commitments and its actions, migration policy, social democracy and the impact on relations with particular countries, such as Ukraine.

Institute for European Studies (IFES)

Visitor address

Logenstraße 11, 15230 Frankfurt (Oder)