Lehre an der Professur für Vergleichende Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie
Lehrveranstaltungen im Wintersemester 2024/25
Die Seminarunterlagen, -beschreibungen und -ankündigungen finden Sie in Moodle.
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6/9 ECTS
Dienstag, 14:15-15:45 Uhr
Raum: GD 303
Veranstaltungsbeginn: 15.10.2024
In this seminar we will investigate the links between the cross-border movement of people and global inequalities as they are shaped by national and regional border regimes, by legacies and continuities of colonial history, and by the contemporary dynamics of neoliberal capitalism. We will thus situate migration in the context of global inequalities that have emerged and exist both between and within colonial empires and contemporary nation states.
Teilnahmevoraussetzungen: There will be an upper limit of 25 students allowed in this course, in order to facilitate class discussion. We will thus cap Moodle enrolment after this limit has been reached. If you are an Erasmus student who does not yet have access to Moodle, please write to the instructor at kosnick@europa-uni.de to secure your place.
Zielgruppe: BA students
Leistungsnachweis: Students need to engage in intensive reading and contribute actively to class discussions. Regular attendance is mandatory. If you miss more than three sessions without valid excuse such as a doctor's certificate, you will not pass the course. Make sure you sign the attendance sheet every time. In addition, you will submit a minimum of five one-page response papers (400-500 words each) for different sessions, answering the questions listed in the syllabus for the respective mandatory reading. You need to submit these papers by a Friday noon deadline BEFORE the respective session in which we discuss the reading. Students aiming for 6 ECTS credits thus need to submit five times with 5 pages in total. Students aiming for 9 ECTS need to fulfill the requirements for 6 ECTS, plus submit by March 10, 2025 an additional 3 papers (1 page each) for three additional sessions of the course (8 pages total).
BA Cuso: 3 ECTS / MA: 3/6/9 ECTS
Di, 16:15 - 17:45 Uhr
Ort: GD 303
Veranstaltungsbeginn: 15.10.2024
In diesem Kolloquium werden wir anfangs die Entwicklung einer geeigneten Fragestellung sowie den Aufbau eines Exposés adressieren, bevor wir auch abhängig von den Bedürfnissen der Studierenden und Stand der jeweiligen Projekte über ethische und Methodenfragen sprechen. Im weiteren Verlauf stellen Studierende ihre Projekte bzw. Ideen für die Abschlussarbeit in Referaten vor, die insbesondere auf die noch offenen Fragen und Problemstellungen eingehen, die mit dem Projekt /der Idee aktuell verbunden sind. Wir besprechen und planen die genauen Inhalte der Veranstaltung in der ersten Sitzung, um bestmöglich auf die Bedürfnisse der Teilnehmenden eingehen zu können. ENGLISH SPEAKING STUDENTS WELCOME - WE WILL SWITCH BETWEEN LANGUAGES. In this course, we will discuss the basics of planning empirical final thesis projects based on the needs of students that attend.
Zielgruppe: Diese Veranstaltung richtet sich an MA Studierende in der Abschlussphase ihres Studiums, die bereits mindestens das Thema ihrer Abschlussarbeit benennen können. Dieses Kolloquium macht nur für Studierende Sinn, die sich mit ihrer Abschlussarbeit im Spektrum der Sozialwissenschaften verorten. Trotz der breiten Öffnung für Studiengänge der Kulturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät sind Abschlussprojekte, die beispielsweise historisch, literaturwissenschaftlich oder linguistisch angelegt sind, hier nicht mit abgedeckt. Bitte gehen Sie stattdessen in die entsprechenden Kolloquien der fachlich einschlägigen Kolleg*innen. BA CUSO Students and MA Students (particularly MASS), with a focus on those who situate their final thesis projects in the social sciences rather than history, linguistics, media studies etc.
Leistungsnachweis: 3 ECTS: regelmäßige aktive Mitarbeit, Bereitschaft zur Vorstellung des eigenen Vorhabens/der eigenen Ideen, Einreichung Exposé von 5 Seiten. / 6 ECTS: wie für 3, zusätzlich Exposé von 12 Seiten Gesamtumfang. / 9 ECTS: wie für 3, zusätzlich Exposé von 22 Seiten. Exposés sind bis zum 20. März 2025 per Email einzureichen. 3 ECTS: active regular attendance, oral presentation, draft outline of project 5 pages. 6 ECTS: as in 3, longer draft outline of 12 pages, 9 ECTS: as in 3, longer draft outline of 22 pages. You have to submit the written outline by March 20, 2025.
3/6/9 ECTS
Mittwoch, 11:15-12:45 Uhr
Raum: GD 102
Veranstaltungsbeginn: 16.10.2024
The concept of racial capitalism has been coined to describe the history of capitalism as grounded in the exploitation of and value extraction from racialized groups. In this seminar, we will not only engage with this attempt to reframe the history of capitalism as famously argued by Cedric J. Robinson, but also with more contemporary analytical uses of the concept to understand how capitalist dynamics intersect with racism, particularly in its structural dynamics. We will therefore also attempt to develop an understanding of intersectionality that goes beyond the analysis of ‘race’ and class as separate dimensions of inequality that ‘intersect’ only in the positioning of social subjects. Among our empirical case studies will be the consequences and aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, one of the worst environment-related desasters in the history of the United States, and the EU border regime.
Teilnahmevoraussetzungen: Be comfortable to read and discuss in English. We can translate back and forth from German for those who occasionally need assistance. Regular attendance is a MUST.
Zielgruppe: MA students only. BA students need personal permission from the instructor to enrol.
Leistungsnachweis: 2 oral discussion inputs in class for 3 ECTS, 6 ECTS: additional paper of 10-12 pages, 9 ECTS: additional paper of 20-22 pages.
6/9 ECTS
Dienstag, 11:15-12:45 Uhr
Ort: GD 312
Veranstaltungsbeginn: 15.10.2024
The BA Seminar: Antisemitism and Islamophobia: Shared histories and divergent articulations is oriented toward students interested in the history and conceptualization of antisemitism and islamophobia, as two manifestations of racism, while being attentive to the gender and sexual dynamics inherent to the operations of these two phenomena. In general, the seminar takes a historical-conceptual approach to examine the overlapping and divergent manifestations of these phenomena. The seminar begins by interrogating the earlier formulations of prejudice, animosity, and violence against Jews and Muslims in Europe, to then move to contemporary articulations and academic debates on the topics.
Teilnahmevoraussetzungen: Regular active participation, willingness to read English-language texts.
Lehrmethoden: Each session is structured around one or two compulsory reading. Before each session students are required to read the mandatory texts and write two critical questions on them, these should be sent one day before each session to the lecturer. The critical questions will serve to organise discussions in class. There are additional readings for each session, these are not mandatory, but can serve to further interrogate issues of the session, and as additional readings for the final essay. Furthermore, during the seminar, students will present the topic of the session, followed by the group discussion. The presentations should address and engage with all of the texts of the session, everyone in the presenting team should prepare and present the main ideas of the texts, while critically engaging with the content.
Literatur: Judaken, J. (2021). Anti-Semitism (Historiography). Key Concepts in the Study of Antisemitism, 25–38. Sayyid, S. (2014). A Measure of Islamophobia. Islamophobia Studies Journal, 2(1), 10–25.
3/6/9 ECTS
Mittwoch, 11:15-12:45 Uhr
Ort: GD 312
Veranstaltungsbeginn: 16.10.2024
The MA Seminar Postcolonial and Decolonial Theory delves into the critical frameworks of postcolonial and decolonial theory and thought, examining the enduring impacts of colonialism and the struggles to deconstruct colonial power structures. By critical engaging with seminal texts of Postcolonial and Decolonial Theory the seminar explores key concepts from influential theorists such as Edward Said, Gayatri Spivak, Homi Bhabha, Walter Mignolo, Maria Lugones. and Aníbal Quijano. Students will engage with topics like orientalism, hybridity, subaltern studies, coloniality, and epistemic violence, critically analyzing how colonial legacies continue to shape contemporary cultural and political, landscapes.
Lehrmethoden: Each session is structured around one or two compulsory readings. Before each session students are required to read the mandatory texts and write a short reflection on them, these should be sent one day before each session to the lecturer. The reflections will serve to organize discussions in class. There are additional readings for each session, these are not mandatory, but can serve to further interrogate issues of the session, and as additional readings for the final essay. Furthermore, during the seminar, students will present the topic of the session, followed by a group discussion. The presentations should address and engage with all of the texts of the session.
Literatur: Said, E. W. (1978). Orientalism. Penguin Books. Hall, S. (1992). The West and the Rest: Discourse and Power. In S. Hall & B. Gieben (Eds.), Formations of Modernity(pp. 275–331). Polity press. Mignolo, W. (2009). Coloniality: The Darker Side of Modernity. In Modernologies (pp. 39–49). Lugones, M. (2010). Toward a Decolonial Feminism. Hypatia, 25(4), 742–759. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1527-2001.2010.01137.x
Leistungsnachweis: 3 ECTS: regular active participation, presentation. | 6 ECTS: as for 3, plus term paper of 12 pages in total. | 9 ECTS: as for 3, plus term paper of 25 pages.
6/9 ECTS
Dienstag, 11:15-12:45 Uhr
Ort: GD 202
Veranstaltungsbeginn: 15.10.2024
In an era increasingly described as challenging, troubling, and urgent, this seminar explores acts, discourses, and possibilities of living and acting through feminist and queer approaches. Thanks to their focus on the experiences and perspectives of marginalized groups, feminist and queer studies offer valuable insights into the ways in which individuals and communities challenge and contest oppressive power structures, normative ideologies, and social inequalities. In this seminar, we will examine feminist and queer approaches to challenging times in three main sections. Firstly, we will explore how these approaches engage and rework political affects such as vulnerability, hurt, anger, shame, fear, and despair. Secondly, we will highlight the politics of storytelling, visibility, and archiving. Thirdly, we will discuss forms of resistance, reparation, resilience, care, solidarity, and hope. In addition to various movements and other forms of activism, we will examine diverse venues of cultural and aesthetic expression that offer possibilities for resistance and repair, such as art, film, performance, memoir, multimedia, social media, and everyday creativity. In doing so, we will pay attention to the small, subtle, and often overlooked acts of everyday resistance. This seminar will also provide insights into intersectional, reflexive, and innovative approaches to research and dissemination cultivated by feminist and queer epistemologies and methodologies, such as engaged ethnography, autoethnography, and visual and digital storytelling.
Readings: You are required to read the assigned articles and book chapters before classes. Readings will be provided on Moodle. Attendance and participation: You are required to attend the classes regularly and participate in class discussions by responding to the readings and providing examples. Maximum 3 unexcused absences are allowed throughout the semester. Forum discussion - Reflections on readings: Each week with assigned readings has a Forum section on Moodle with the aim of facilitating class discussion. You are required to post a short response to the readings (100-150 words) before the class: Not a summary of the readings, but rather an example, an experience, a discussion question, an idea, etc. You are also welcome to give a response to other students’ posts. The content of your posts will not be graded, but you are required to post a response to at least 5 classes. Short papers (6-7 pages) to be submitted and discussed in class (Due: 14. November; 12. December; and 30. January). You are welcome to use other mediums of knowledge production and dissemination such as art, fiction, audiovisual media, memoir, etc. For 3 ECTS: Class participation + Forum discussion + 1 short paper. / For 6 ECTS: Class participation + Forum discussion + 2 short paper. / For 9 ECTS: Class participation + Forum discussion + 3 short paper.
3/6/9 ECTS
Dienstag, 14:15-15:45 Uhr
Ort: GD 202
Veranstaltungsbeginn: 15.10.2024
This seminar explores acts, discourses and possibilities of resistance through feminist and queer approaches. Thanks to their focus on experiences and perspectives of marginalized groups, feminist and queer studies offer valuable insights into the ways in which individuals and communities challenge and contest oppressive power structures, normative ideologies, and social inequalities. In this seminar, we will examine feminist and queer repertoires of resistance in three main sections. Firstly, we will explore political affects such as vulnerability, hurt, anger, shame, fear and despair. Secondly, we will highlight politics of storytelling, visibility, and archive. Thirdly, we will discuss affective companions of resistance such as repair, resilience, care, solidarity, and hope. In addition to various movements and other forms of activisms, we will examine diverse venues of cultural and aesthetic expression that offer possibilities for resistance and repair such as art, film, performance, memoir, multimedia, social media, and everyday creativity. In doing so, we will pay attention to the small, subtle, and often overlooked acts of everyday resistance. In this seminar, we will also gain insight into intersectional, reflexive and innovative approaches to research and dissemination that are cultivated by feminist and queer epistemologies and methodologies such as engaged ethnography, autoethnography, and visual and digital storytelling.
Leistungsnachweis: Readings: You are required to read the assigned articles and book chapters before classes. Readings will be provided on Moodle. Attendance and participation: You are required to attend the classes regularly and participate in class discussions by responding to the readings and providing examples. Maximum 3 unexcused absences are allowed throughout the semester. Forum discussion - Reflections on readings: Each week with assigned readings has a Forum section on Moodle with the aim of facilitating class discussion. You are required to post a short response to the readings (100-150 words) before the class: Not a summary of the readings, but rather an example, an experience, a discussion question, an idea, etc. You are also welcome to give a response to other students’ posts. The content of your posts will not be graded, but you are required to post a response to at least 5 classes. Short papers (6-7 pages) to be submitted and discussed in class (Due: 14. November; 12. December; and 30. January). You are welcome to use other mediums of knowledge production and dissemination such as art, fiction, audiovisual media, memoir, etc. For 3 ECTS: Class participation + Forum discussion + 1 short paper. / For 6 ECTS: Class participation + Forum discussion + 2 short paper. / For 9 ECTS: Class participation + Forum discussion + 3 short paper.
Zurückliegende Lehrveranstaltungen
Prof. Dr. Kira Kosnick, Dr. Rita Vallentin
Digital Manospheres – Intersectional Perspectives on Discourses, Practices and Hierarchies
Seminar (Präsenzveranstaltung): MASS: Forschungsmodul // MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Migration, Ethnizität, Ethnozentrismus // MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Gender Studies und Queer Theory // SMG: Forschungsmodul // SMG: Wahlpflichtmodul: Multimodalität, Diskurs und Medien
Prof. Dr. Kira Kosnick
Forschungskolloquium "Auf dem Weg zur Abschlussarbeit. Themenfelder: Migration, Ethnizität, Rassismus, Gender, Queer Studies"
Kolloquium (Präsenzveranstaltung): MASS: Forschungsmodul
Prof. Dr. Kira Kosnick
Introduction to Queer Studies (Summer School)
Seminar (Präsenzveranstaltung): Kulturwissenschaften: Einführung // Vergleichende Sozialwissenschaften: Einführung
Dr. Luis M. Hernández Aguilar
A brief history of feminist thought
Seminar (Präsenzveranstaltung): MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Gender Studies und Queer Theory
Dr. Luis M. Hernández Aguilar
ConspiRacism: Conspiracy Theories and their entanglement with racism, antisemitism and Islamophobia
Seminar (Präsenzveranstaltung): MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Migration, Ethnizität, Ethnozentrismus
Dr. Özlem Savaş
Creative Imaginaries of Migration
Seminar (Präsenzveranstaltung): MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Migration, Ethnizität, Ethnozentrismus // MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Kulturelle Praktiken, Wissensordnungen, ästhetische Formationen
Dr. Özlem Savaş
Collective Emotions, Public Feelings and Political Affect
Seminar (Präsenzveranstaltung): Kulturwissenschaften: Vertiefung // Vergleichende Sozialwissenschaften: Vertiefung
Prof. Dr. Kira Kosnick
Migration in the Context of Global Inequalities
BA-Seminar Vertiefung: Difference – Migration, Gender and Diversity
Prof. Dr. Kira Kosnick
Kolloquium zur Vorbereitung der Abschlussarbeit
Kolloquium: Methods, Academic Writing and Research Skills
Prof. Dr. Kira Kosnick
Grenzen, Frontiers und Zeit-Raum Kompression
MA-Seminar: MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Migration, Ethnizität, Ethnozentrismus
Dr. Luis Hernández Aguilar
Introduction to qualitative research and methods (Wahlobligatorik)
BA-Seminar: Vergleichende Sozialwissenschaften: Einführung
Dr. Luis Hernández Aguilar
The instrumentalization of Gender and Sexuality in the far-right: Femonationalism, antigenderism, and racism
MA-Seminar: MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Migration, Ethnizität, Ethnozentrismus // MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Gender Studies und Queer Theory
Dr. Özlem Savaş
Cultures of Migration
BA-Seminar: Vergleichende Sozialwissenschaften: Vertiefung
Dr. Özlem Savaş
Feminist and Queer Repertoires of Resistance
MA-Seminar: SMG: Wahlpflichtmodul: Multimodalität, Diskurs und Medien // MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Kulturelle Praktiken, Wissensordnungen, ästhetische Formationen // MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Gender Studies und Queer Theory
Prof. Dr. Kira Kosnick
Kolloquium für Abschlussarbeiten
Kolloquium: MASS: Forschungsmodul
Prof. Dr. Kira Kosnick
Introduction to Queer Studies
BA-Seminar: Vergleichende Sozialwissenschaften: Vertiefung
Prof. Dr. Kira Kosnick
Sexualität und Rassismus
MA-Seminar, MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Gender Studies und Queer Theory
Dr. Özlem Savaş
Affect/Emotion in Culture and Politics
MA-Seminar: SMG: Wahlpflichtmodul: Multimodalität, Diskurs und Medien // MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Kulturelle Praktiken, Wissensordnungen, ästhetische Formationen // MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Gender Studies und Queer Theory
Dr. Luis Manuel Hernández Aguilar
Antisemitism and Islamophobia: Shared histories and divergent articulations
BA-Seminar: Vergleichende Sozialwissenschaften – Vertiefung
Dr. Luis Manuel Hernández Aguilar
Race and racism: historical trajectories, conceptual approaches, and recent developments
MA-Seminar: MASS: Migration, Ethnizität, Ethnozentrismus
Dr. Darja Klingenberg
Erinnerungspolitik in der Migrationsgesellschaft
BA-Seminar: Kulturwissenschaften - Vertiefung // Vergleichende Sozialwissenschaften - Vertiefung
Dr. Darja Klingenberg/Dr. Stephan Lanz
Spurensuche: Jüdische und andere Berliner*innen in der Spandauer Vorstadt.
Teil 1: Migrationswissenschaftliche Perspektiven und Teil 2: Urban Studies Perspektiven
MA-Seminar: MASS: Forschungsmodul // MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Migration, Ethnizität, Ethnozentrismus // MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Urban Studies
Hinweise zu Seminararbeiten
Hier finden Sie die formalen Anforderungen für die schriftlichen Abgaben an der Professur von Prof. Dr. Kira Kosnick.
Die Eigenständigkeitserklärung bitte unbedingt jeder schriftlichen Arbeit beifügen!
Hier finden Sie Empfehlungen und formale Richtlinien für die Abgaben an der Professur von Prof. Dr. Kira Kosnick.
Die großen Fragen zu Abschlussarbeiten an der Professur von Prof. Dr. Kira Kosnick.
Hier erhalten Sie einen Leitfaden für ein Exposé für Abschlussarbeiten (empirische qualitative Forschung, Beispiel aus der Kulturanthropologie Goethe Uni Frankfurt).