Prof. Dr. Jürgen Neyer
Podcast-Folge: "Den politischen Visionen auf der Spur: Brauchen wir eine neue europäische Idee?""
Mehr erfahrenMitja Sienknecht
Regulate against the machine: how the EU mitigates AI harm to democracy
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Mehr erfahrenSassan Gholiaghan und Mitja Sienknecht
Beyond Appropriateness – A Typology of Norm-Based Behaviour in World Politics
Sassan Gholiagha and Mitja Sienknecht, ‘Beyond Appropriateness – A Typology of Norm-Based Behaviour in World Politics’, in Phil Orchard and Antje Wiener, eds, Contesting the world: Norm research in theory and practice (Cambridge United Kingdom, New York NY: Cambridge University Press, 2024), pp. 132–48.
Mehr erfahrenMitja Sienknecht, Maurice Chiodo und Dennis Müller
Educating AI developers to prevent harmful path dependency in AI resort-to-force decision making
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Mehr erfahrenMitja Sienknecht und Antje Vetterlein
Conceptualizing responsibility in world politics
Hier kommt die Zusammenfassung...
Mehr erfahrenChristiane Cromm
“Speaking the Right Language: Transnational Rule and Symbolic Power in Dialogue Forums.” Global Society 38, no. 3 (2024): 388–411.
in Global Society 38, no. 3 (2024): 388–411.
Mehr erfahrenChristiane Cromm and Christian Volk
The Introduction: "Special Issue on Transnational Civil Society, International Organisations and Practices of Global Order" published with Global Society
The Introduction A Partnership of Convenience? Transnational Civil Society, International Organisations and Practices of Global Order
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Human rights, sovereignty, and the use of force
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Mehr erfahrenSassan Gholiaghan und Mitja Sienknecht
Between (ir)responsibility and (in)appropriateness: Conceptualizing norm-related state behaviour in the Russian war against Ukraine
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