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Master of Arts
in European Studies


Environment and Climate Policies at EU level

Seminar (Blended Learning): MES: WPM 1: Regieren in Europa // MES: WPM 6: Wirtschaftspolitik in Europa
Veranstaltungsbeginn: 19.10.2023 Do, 16 - 18 Uhr

As the Earth is facing the existential threats of climate change and environmental degradation, the EU has been leading the world on a path to sustainability and climate neutrality. This course describes the main measures the EU is taking for that purpose.
We first consider the international context in which the urgent action is being taken: the UN Rio Conventions, mainly the Framework Convention on Climate Change and its major achievements, the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement. Then we describe the general objectives and lines of action of the European Green Deal, which has set the goal of climate neutrality in Europe by 2050, promising to transform the EU into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy.
In the second part of the course, we look into the policies and actual measures the EU is taking in individual, but interrelated,
domains. On climate, we consider i.a. the European Climate Law, a word’s first, which translates the Green Deal’s goals into legal obligations; the EU Emissions Trading System, fundamental for putting a price on carbon emissions; and the action taken in the domain of transport, forests and land. On environment, we look into the efforts to preserve biodiversity, soil, the marine
environment and forests; to achieve the best use of natural resources through the Circular Economy; and to protect health and
the quality of life - air, noise, water, chemicals, pesticides and the ozone layer. In the energy sector, responsible for more than 75% of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions, we consider the promotion (and controversy) of renewable energy sources, the efforts to save energy, as well as the EU strategy for hydrogen.
The third part of the course refers to the next steps, with focus on the ‘Fit for 55’ package of Commission proposals: more
appropriate pricing of carbon, so that polluters pay the right price of their emissions, including by third countries through the
application of the new Carbon Border adjustment Mechanism. All policy targets are being adjusted towards 2050 climate neutrality, while economic sectors such as aviation and shipping will need to bear their right part of the climate effort.

Literatur: Mandatory reading: the script of the course, consisting of a set of notes and texts, will be uploaded on Moodle.
Useful links
• Communication from the Commission, The European Green Deal, 11.12.2019, COM(2019) 640 final.
• European Environment Agency, The European environment — state and outlook 2020: knowledge for transition to a sustainable Europe, December 2019, SOER.
• UN, The Paris Agreement link
• European Environment Agency: Trends and projections in Europe 2022, climate report N° 10/2022.
• Communication from the Commission, 'Fit for 55': delivering the EU's 2030 Climate Target on the way to climate neutrality,
14.7.2021, COM(2021) 550 final.
• EU Commission site, Energy, Climate change, Environment, link.
• Council of the EU site, Climate change: what the EU is doing, link
Hinweise zur Veranstaltung: Registration until 12.10.23 via e-mail to Weitere Informationen zur
Veranstaltung sind bei Moodle zu finden.
Leistungsnachweise: Examination
This is a 6 ECTS-point course. Assessment will be done through a written 90-minute exam. The language of the course is English.
Termine (präsenz): Do 16.11.23, 9 - 17 Uhr (AM 02) | Fr 17.11.23, 9 - 17 Uhr (AM 02) | Do 23.11.23, 16 - 18 Uhr (LH 101/102)
Termine (online): Do 19.10.23, 16 - 18 Uhr | Do 26.10.23, 16 - 20 Uhr
Sprache: Englisch

Environment and Climate Policies at EU Level

Seminar (Online-Veranstaltung): MES: Zentralbereich Politik // MES: WPM 1: Regieren in Europa // MES: WPM 6: Wirtschaftspolitik in Europa
Veranstaltungsbeginn: 29.04.2022 Block
As the earth is facing the existential threat of climate change and environmental degradation, the EU has been leading the world on a path to sustainability and climate neutrality. This course describes the main measures the EU is taking for that purpose. We first consider the international context in which the urgent action is being taken: the UN Rio Conventions, mainly the Framework Convention on Climate Change and its major achievements, the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement. Then we describe the general objectives and lines of action of the European Green Deal, which has set the goal of climate neutrality in Europe by 2050, promising to transform the EU into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy. In the second part of the course, we look into the policies and actual measures the EU is taking in individual, but interrelated, domains. On climate, we consider i.a. the European Climate Law, a word’s first, which translates the Green Deal’s goals into legal obligations; the EU Emissions Trading System, fundamental for putting a price on carbon emissions; and the action taken in the domain of transport, forests and land. On environment, we look into the efforts to preserve biodiversity, soil, the marine environment and forests; to achieve the best use of natural resources through the Circular Economy; and to protect health and the quality of life - air, noise, water, chemicals, pesticides and the ozone layer. In the energy sector, responsible for more than 75% of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions, we consider the promotion (and controversy) of renewable energy sources, the efforts to save energy, as well as the EU strategy for hydrogen. The third part of the course refers to the next steps, with focus on the ‘Fit for 55’ package of Commission proposals: more appropriate pricing of carbon, so that polluters pay the right price of their emissions, including by third countries through the application of the new Carbon Border adjustment Mechanism. All policy targets are to be adjusted towards 2050 climate neutrality, while economic sectors such as aviation and shipping will need to bear their right part of the climate effort.

Hinweise zur Veranstaltung: Registration until 24 April via e-mail to Moodlekurs
Leistungsnachweise: This is a 6 ECTS-point course. Assessment will be done through a 10-12 page essay or, if the conditions allow it, in class, through a written 90-minute exam. The notes for the course, to be uploaded on the Moodle page, is minimum required reading.
Termine (präsenz): Fr 03.06.22, 14 - 17 Uhr | Sa 04.06.22, 9 - 12 UhrTermine (online): Fr 29.04.22, 14 - 17 Uhr | Sa 30.04.22, 9 - 12 Uhr | Fr 06.05.22, 14 - 17 Uhr | Sa 07.05.22, 9 - 17 Uhr | Fr 13.05.22, 14 - 17 Uhr | Sa 14.05.22, 9 - 17 Uhr | Fr 20.05.22, 14 - 17 Uhr | Sa 21.05.22, 9 - 17 Uhr
Sprache: Englisch

Xenakis, Y.
Masterstudiengang „Europa Studien“
European economy in practice
Seminar (Blended Learning): MES: Zentralbereich Politik // MES: Zentralbereich
Wirtschaft // MES: WPM 1: Regieren in Europa // MES: WPM 6: Wirtschaftspolitik in Europa
Veranstaltungsbeginn: 28.05.2021 Block

This course aims to familiarise the students with current issues of the European economy, as they are addressed in practice: economic policy making at EU level and implementation. Environmental issues are the priority of the current economic policy at EU level, based on the principle that economy must work for people and planet. Consequently, we first consider the European Green Deal, the EU jobs and growth policy, and the concrete actions that are taken to achieve its goals. And we consider the means and mechanisms for financing the relevant initiatives.Then we turn to some of the most high profile EU policies: the Common Agricultural Policy – what it does, what its problems and its future. Competition Policy – why is it that Microsoft, Apple and Google are faced with the European Commission? Trade Policy – why has the EU trade agreement with Canada caused so many reactions by the public? We then examine the broader economic governance of the EU, particularly as related to the major crises the EU faced in recent times. The financial/economic crisis of 2008-2011 had strong negative effects on the European economy but also led to a wide-ranging measures to adapt the EU’s economic governance and make the economic system more resilient to future economic crises. This stronger structure helped avoid more extensive damage from the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020-2021. The pandemic led, however, to the deepest recession in EU’s history, despite the measures taken at national and EU level. We will refer to these measures, including the Next Generation EU, the post-pandemic recovery facility. And we take a brief look at the economic effects of Brexit. Finally, we refer to the current discussions and proposals to deepen the European Economic and Monetary Union: completing the banking union and the capital markets union; reinforcing the international role of the euro; digitalising the European economy; Students are brought up to speed with the most recent developments in these fields.

Hinweise zur Veranstaltung/zum Blockseminar: For a better understanding of this course, it is useful, but not indispensable, that
students have an elementary prior knowledge of economics. For their preparation, the students receive a set of notes, texts and
links to the specific web sources – mainly publications of EU institutions, press articles and basic textbooks. Registration until

Leistungsnachweise: Klausur The course will take place online on 28/29 May, 4/5, 11/12, 18/19 and 25/26 June 2021. The students will be assessed through a written 90-minute examination (6 ECTS), if this is possible. If not, assessment will be done through written assignments (6 ECTS points) or an oral presentation (3 ECTS points) .
Termine (online): Fr 28.05.21, 14 - 17 Uhr | Sa 29.05.21, 9 - 12 Uhr | Fr 04.06.21, 14 - 17 Uhr | Sa 05.06.21, 9 - 12 Uhr | Fr
11.06.21, 14 - 17 Uhr | Sa 12.06.21, 9 - 12 Uhr | Fr 18.06.21, 14 - 17 Uhr | Sa 19.06.21, 9 - 12 Uhr | Fr 25.06.21, 14 - 17 Uhr | Sa
26.06.21, 9 - 12 Uhr (LH 101/102)
Sprache: Englisch

European Economy in Practice


Seminar: Zentralbereich Politik / Zentralbereich Wirtschaft / WPM 1: Regieren inEuropa / WPM 6: Wirtschaftspolitik in Europa / Praxismodul: praxisrelevante Fertigkeiten

Online Block, Veranstaltungsbeginn: 15.05.2020

This course aims at familiarising the students with current issues of the European economy as they are addressed in practice: policy making at EU level and implementation. In the current context of increasing emphasis on environmental issues, we first lookinto the specific priorities of the EU longer term strategy for jobs and growth; and we consider the means and mechanisms forfinancing the relevant initiatives. Then we turn to some of the most high profile policies: the Common Agricultural Policy - what does it do and what are its problems and its future? Competition Policy - why is it that Microsoft, Apple and Google are faced with theEuropean Commission? Trade Policy - why has the EU trade agreement with Canada caused so many reactions by the public? We then turn to some broader (macroeconomic) governance issues: how does the EU ensure that the public finances of the Member States remain sound? And how does the European Central Bank keep the euro strong and stable? What are the consequences ofthe UK’s withdrawal from the EU? Finally, we consider the measures currently envisaged to deepen the European Economic and Monetary Union: complete the banking union, establish a euro area budget etc. Students are brought up to speed with the mostrecent developments in these fields.

Hinweise zur Veranstaltung/zum Blockseminar: Anmeldung bis zum 15.04.2020 unter:

Leistungsnachweise: Präsentation für 3 ECTS; Essay (ein oder mehere Themen, 12 Seiten) für 6 ECTS

European Economy in practice

Seminar: Zentralbereich Politik / Zentralbereich Wirtschaft / WPM 1: Regieren in Europa / WPM 6: Wirtschaftspolitik in Europa / Praxismodul: praxisrelevante Fertigkeiten
Block Ort: GD 07, Veranstaltungsbeginn: 10.05.2019

This course aims at familiarising the students with European economy issues as they are addressed in practice; policy-making at EU level and implementation. The course looks into such questions as: how does the EU plan to create jobs and growth and where does the money come from? What does the Common Agricultural Policy do, what are its problems and its future? Why is it that Microsoft, Apple and Google have dealings with the EU competition authorities? What are/were the main difficulties with Brexit and what its effects? How do the EU Member States and the European Central bank manage to keep the euro strong and stable? And what initiatives are taken to further improve the Economic and Monetary Union? Students are brought up to speed with the most recent events in these fields.

Leistungsnachweise: Klausur

European Economy in Practice

3/6/9 ECTS
Seminar: ZB Po, ZB Wi, WPM 1, WPM 6, PF
Block, Ort AM 203, 
Veranstaltungsbeginn: 20.04.2018

This course aims at familiarising the students with European economy issues as they are addressed in practice; policy-making at EU level and implementation. It is assumed that the students have attended the course on the Economics of European Integration, to which this course is intended to be complementary. The sources of the course are mainly publications of EU institutions but also press articles and the Baldwin/Wyplosz textbook. The students will receive a list of texts, author’s elaborations and links to the specific web sources. The course will take place on 20/21 and 27/28 April 2018. The students will be assessed through a written examination and on the basis of their participation in class and debates.

Sprache: Englisch