European Studies ‒ Prof Dr Timm Beichelt

Chair for European Studies

Teaching and research at the Chair for "European Studies" focuses on problems of European politics, examining both substantive and theoretical-conceptual issues. Europe is not equated with the European Union (EU), but is seen as an area in which democratic and autocratic systems exist both within and outside the EU. European integration therefore unfolds quite different effects in individual states and leads to diverse manifestations of European politics.

The Chair is located at the intersection between political science and social and cultural sciences. This means that not only political institutions are analyzed, but also social processes (in Europe) are considered, to which political actors and institutions must orient themselves. In the context of late modernity, social contradictions arise that are an important component of European politics.

There are close links between the Chair and the Master's degree programme in European Studies.

Prof Dr Timm Beichelt

Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies

Head of degree programme
Master's degree programme in European Studies (MES)

Mady Wolff

Postal address:
Stiftung Europa-Universität Viadrina
Professur für Europa-Studien
Große Scharrnstrasse 59
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)

Latest news

Publikation Die politischen Systeme im östlichen Europa

New publication "The political systems in Eastern Europe"

The book "Die politischen Systeme im östlichen Europa: Institutionen, Akteure und Prozesse", edited by Dr Sonja Priebus and Prof Dr Timm Beichelt, has been published by Springer VS (in German).

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ValEUs Policy-Writing-Seminar

Invitation to policy writing seminar

ValEUs research network: The University of Pittsburgh invites you to a seminar on writing policy briefs, which will take place on 27 February 2025 from 4-7 pm (CET) in a hybrid format. Everyone interested can register.

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Notizblock mit Stift, Tasse und Handy im Hintergrund

"Trump, Orbán, Erdoğan - there's a method to the supposed madness"

Deutschlandfunk Kultur: Professor Dr Timm Beichelt comments on Donald Trump's inauguration from the perspective of autocracy research.

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Logo des Forschungsnetzwerks "ValEUs"

ValEUs" research network

New research project: Prof Dr Timm Beichelt has headed the EU-funded international research network on EU foreign policy since the beginning of the year.

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Prof Dr Timm Beichelt is a political scientist and Professor of European Studies. In his current functions, he is also Dean of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences and Head of the Master's degree programme in European Studies (MES).




Here you can find more information about the staff at the Chair for European Studies.

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Teaching and Research

Viadrina-Studierende treffen sich am Logenhaus


Here you will find information on courses offered by the Chair as well as information on term papers, final theses and reports.

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Bibliothek Studierende


Here you will find an overview of publications by members of the Chair's staff.

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Akten im Hängeregister


Here you will find information on the current research projects at the Chair.

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Viadrina-Student arbeitet in der Mensa an seinem Laptop

Doctorates (PhD)

Here you will find information on doctorates at the Chair as well as an overview of current and completed doctoral theses.

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