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Professors and academic staff
Academic staff
Professorships at the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences
Social sciences
Comparative Politics - Prof Dr Michael Minkenberg
Comparative Politics (Junior Professorship) - Prof Dr Theresa Gessler
Cultural and Social Anthropology - Prof Dr Kira Kosnick
Digital Studies (Junior Professorship) - Prof Dr Miglė Bareikytė (ENS)
European and International Politics - Prof Dr Jürgen Neyer
European Studies - Prof Dr Timm Beichelt
Philosophy of Cultures - Prof Dr Katja Diefenbach
Social Philosophy - Prof Dr Matthias Schloßberger
Sociology of Economy - Prof Dr Sascha Münnich
Sociology of Technology - Prof Dr Jan-Hendrik Passoth (ENS)
Cultural history
Comparative European Economic and Social History - Prof Dr Klaus Weber
Culture and History of Central and Eastern Europe - Prof Dr Werner Benecke
Dictatorship and Democracy. Germany and Eastern Europe from 1914 to the Present - Prof Dr Jan C. Behrends
Entangled History of Ukraine - Prof Dr Andrii Portnov
European Contemporary History - Prof Dr Claudia Weber
Heritage Studies - Prof Dr Paul Zalewski
Historical Urban and Spatial Research - Prof Dr Kerstin Brückweh
Interdisciplinary Polish Studies - Prof Dr Dagmara Jajeśniak-Quast
Modern European Cultural History - Prof Dr Andreas Bähr
Theories of Arts and Media (Junior Professorship) - Prof Dr André Rottmann
Literary Studies
Eastern European Literature - Prof Dr Annette Werberger
German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History, Exile and Migration - Prof Dr Kerstin Schoor
Popular Cultures - Prof Dr Daniel Illger
Western European Literature - Prof Dr Andrea Allerkamp
Department of Language and Media Studies
Language Use and Migration - Prof Dr Britta Schneider
Language use and Multimodal Communication - Prof Dr Cornelia Müller
Media, Culture and Communication (Junior Professorship) - Prof Dr Sarah Greifenstein
Multicultural Communication - Prof Dr Nicole Richter
Pragmatics and Contrastive Linguistics - Prof Dr Konstanze Jungbluth
Extraordinary, visiting and honorary professorships
Extraordinary Professorships
Prof Dr Rita Aldenhoff-Hübinger
Prof Dr Anna Bergmann
Prof Dr Michael Höhle
Prof Dr Werner Konitzer
Prof Dr Stephan Lanz
Prof Dr Gert-Rüdiger Wegmarshaus
Honorary professorships
Prof László Andor, PhD
Prof Dr Christoph Helm
Prof Dr Günter Verheugen
Visiting professorships
Visiting Professor Pensées Françaises Contemporaines (Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Senior Scholars
Senior Scholars
Prof. Dr. Christoph Asendorf
Prof. Dr. Ursula Bock
Prof. Dr. Michał Buchowski
Prof. Dr. Bożena Chołuj
Prof. Dr. Gangolf Hübinger
Dr. Peter Rosenberg
Prof. Dr. Werner Schiffauer
Prof. Dr. Anna Schwarz
Other academic employees
Other academic staff
Dr Miriam Lind
Dr Pablo Valdivia Orozco
Dr Rita Vallentin
Former Professors
Overview of former professorships
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